Victory of the Daleks (4)

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A/N - Votes and comments mean a lot (especially ones which react to certain paragraphs or thing that happen).

I also have a Pinterest bored for Poppy. It should hopefully come up when you look up 'Poppy Watcher' and look at boreds.


"Hey, Edwin. Ever fancied someone you know you shouldn't? Where you know they like someone else, maybe even love someone else, but you still fancy them?" Poppy asks, glancing up to The Doctor.


"It hurts, doesn't it? But kind of a good hurt,"

"I really shouldn't talk about her,"

"Oh. There's a her," Poppy teases

The yellow turns back to blue on the last section.

"What was her name?" The Doctor looks at Poppy in wonder. Was she talking about him? But they were together, right? Then it hits him. The old him, with Rose.

"Dorabella," Poppy tries not to laugh. It was a strange name. But, probably a beautiful one in this time.

"Dorabella?" The Doctor starts laughing, but Amy raises an eyebrow and he quickly covers it up "It's a lovely name. It's a beautiful name,"

"What was she like, Edwin?" Amy asks gently

"Oh, such a smile. And her eyes. Her eyes were so blue. Almost violet, like the last touch of sunset on the edge of the world. Dorabella,"

All the segments return to blue.

"Welcome to the human race," The Doctor greets

He then points at Churchill "You're brilliant," Then Bracewell "You're brilliant," Then Amy and Poppy "And you I..." he flaps his hands about trying to find a word, he gives up and kisses Poppy forcefully on the lips, and then Amy on the forehead.

"Now. Got to stop them. Stop the Daleks," He starts to run out the room

"Wait, Doctor. Wait, wait. It's too late," The Doctor stops and turns around at Bracewell's words "Gone. They've gone,"

"No. No! They can't. They can't have got away from me again,"

"No, I can feel it. My mind is clear. The Daleks have gone," Bracewell adjusts his glasses and The Doctor falls against a poll, all energy gone. Poppy grabs his hand and rubs soothing circles on it.

"Doctor, it's okay. You did it. You stopped the bomb. Doctor?" Amy tries to lift his mood

"I had a choice. And they knew I'd choose the Earth. The Daleks have won. They beat me. They've won,"

"But you saved the Earth.... Not too shabby, is it?"

"Is it?!" Poppy smiles and swings their entwined hands

"No, it's not too shabby," he finally agrees once looking at Churchill's team, who he'd saved.

"It's a brilliant achievement, my dear friend. Here, have a cigar,"

"No," The Doctor declines the PM's offer


"So, what now, then?" Amy asks Churchill, both her and Poppy leaning on the desk.

"I still have a war to run, Miss Pond,"

"Prime Minister," a ginger woman hands him some documents.

"Oh, thank you," he reads the papers "Oh, they hit the Palace and Saint Paul's again. Fire crews only just saved it,"

The woman they first saw bursts into tears and the woman who just handed Churchill the papers goes to comfort her

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