November***Part 3

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Quick Author's Note:  If you aren't watching these classic trailers, you are missing out!


Rucci and I are not needed in this scene, so I asked him to walk with me to the teacher's lounge. I need a Crystal Pepsi, stat.

"You and Shiv do anything fun over the weekend?"

"No," he says too quickly. Defensively. "What did you hear?" Woah, simmer.

"I didn't hear anything, I reassure him. "I'm just asking 'cause I was in stuck at my brother's stupid indoor soccer tournament all weekend and I'm curious."

"Oh ok," crashing down from his high alert, "we just went to the movies. You know, the usual."

"What did you see?"


These fuckers. They saw "The Mighty Ducks" sequel without me. What the fuck. They KNOW how much I love Charlie Conway.

Sensing that I'm about to spin out on him, "Wait, wait, wait, before you flip out, we tried to see 'The Flintstones' but it was sold out. 'D2' was the only thing playing at that time."

"Oh." A likely story.

"Sammy, don't be mad, we didn't plan it that way." Oh, I'm not mad. You are just dead to me.

He steps closer to me, as I reach for the door. "I was looking forward to seeing it with you. I want to see it again. With you."

I never really noticed how much taller than me he was. He's just standing there, pleading with me not to be mad. I'm staring directly into his eyes. I never noticed the green flecks before. And his lips. And now, all I can think about is kissing him. I mean his lips are right there.

Samantha, pull yourself together. This is Rucci!

He shifts into full ridiculous puppy dog eyes, and that pouty lower lip. I can't. He wins.

"I'm not mad." I grabbed his hand to drag him out, "Come on freshman, we've got to get back."

Before I can finish my sentence, the door flies open, smacking me in the back. Archer.

"Oh, shit. Sorry, Sam." I wave him off, I'll live. "Need a caffeine fix, you know how it goes." Oblivious. Focused on the Mountain Dew of his immediate future.

Holy! What the hell just happened?


Dear Jesse —

Rucci and I had a moment. A shared moment. Like a real one. Like a "Chasing Amy" shared moment. A. Shared. Moment.

I'm certain of it.

Holy hell. Why do feelings have to be so complicated?

Rucci. Who would have guessed? What am I thinking? I really must be crazy. I mean he was pretty clear, it'll never happen.




"Hurry up! We have to get back before rehearsal starts. Raye's gonna kill us if we're late again."

Penny thrusts a bare leg out from behind the curtain before slowly, dramatically revealing herself in the latest dress she's trying on for the Semi-Formal.

It's... well, it's something.

"It's very you!" I mean, I'm not lying. It is very HER. Penny's wardrobe is this bizarre collection of ugly things that magically transform when she wears them. There must forest creatures or fairies involved. There must be.

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