March *** Part 6

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Dear Jesse —

Rucci's not speaking to me again — this time because he kissed me and I didn't say anything back. Well, I said, "Okay." And, because of Jake.

Speaking of Jake, we cleared up the whole sex monster thing. So... I'm not openly avoiding him anymore. And now I'm freaked out because I think I might really like him. So, now I'm just low-key avoiding him.

I feel like I'm being pulled in two totally opposite directions by my head and my heart.

My head says Mike and I never got a chance, and there might be something there if we did. My heart says he broke my fucking heart once already. He'll do it again.

My head also says, where did all this Jake business come from? What do I even know about him? He says the right things but... it's just... but I can't put my finger on it. And my heart says, 'Hello, butterflies!' My heart is begging me to follow Jake.

Things were so much easier when no boys liked me. Thank god I'm going to the Junior Prom with Archer and I can avoid all this drama for one night.




"Sammy, Jake's on the phone." Mom walks across the kitchen, handing me the cordless, "Make it quick, I need to call Mrs. Tate about the boys soccer schedule this weekend."

I nod. She shoots a look back at me — the bug eyes. I hate the bug eyes. Bug eyes mean business — and they creep me out. And I didn't even do anything.

"Okay, okay. Five minutes." Always surrender to bug eyes.


"Hi Sammy. Listen I can't really talk tonight, gotta study for this chem test. But can we do something together?"

"It's okay, my mom needs to use the phone anyways. What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm going to be listening to WAAF tonight, while I study. Maybe you could listen to it too?" WAAF is the local alternative music station. I've always been more of a KISS 108 girl, but I guess I can make an exception for a night.

"Ummm, sure."

"SAAAAAAM." My mom from down the hall.

"Ugh, I've got to go. I'll turn it on, I promise."

"Good." Can you hear someone smile through the phone? "I'll see you tomorrow, Sammy."

"Night, Jake."

What a strange request. I mean Shiv and I can spend hours on the phone in total silence, but this is a new one. I meet Mom in the hallway and hand back the phone.

"All yours."

"What did he want?" So nosy.

"He wants me to turn on the radio."

"Oh, ok," Mom says, shaking her head. Somehow I know she's thinking 'kid's these days.'

I plug my boombox in closer to my bed and I'm rolling the dial trying to get it to land on 107.3. It's scratchy, but I guess I can handle it for a little while.

The '1-800-54-GIANT' jingle attacks me over the airwaves. No matter how long I live, I'm never going to forget that phone number. My homework is done, so I curl up under the covers with my latest Kennedy biography, as the commercials roll on.

Just starting to nod off, when Mom pokes her head in the door, "Any idea what you are listening for?"

I sleepily shake my head.

"Well, I was just coming to tell you that I'm off the phone, but it doesn't look like you'll be calling anyone tonight." That all-knowing head tilt.

"Yeah, I guess not I'm really tired. But thank you."

Then, just as she was turning to leave, we both hear, "It's 9:30 this Tuesday night, and we've got a request from Jake, going out to Sammy. 'Hello Jake, what do you wanna hear?'" And then clear as day, despite the cackle, "Santo and Johnny, 'Sleep Walk.'"

The DJ chuckled, "Oh I see, sending her a not-so-subtle message about what you want to do, eh?" Pervy DJ.

"No, if I wanted you to play a song about what I wanted to do with her, I'd have you play The Beatles 'I Want to Hold Your Hand.'"

Pervy DJ cackles again. Creep. "Alright, man, here it is Santo and Johnny with 'Sleep Walk.'"

"Maybe you are gonna need this after all." Mom teases, tossing the phone on the bed. "Don't stay up too late okay?"


Author's Note:  Seems like Sammy has made her decision, but what comes next? 

Hope you all are enjoying Sammy's story.  Friendly reminder to VOTE and comment as you read!  I love to hear what you think... and also that helps this story get ranked, where other people can find it! 

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