February***Part 5

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Author's Note:  I was actually just going to post the Dance Contest episode... but who could resist a complete compilation of all of Slater's dance moves?  No one I know, surely


Clap. Clap. Clap. The girls volleyball team re-enacting the "Saved by the Bell" dance-off episode. Ah, but there's a twist, it's set in caveman days. Kill me now. Maybe I dodged a bullet. I would be up there. In a loin cloth.

We've been watching this train wreck for what feels like days. My watch, however, respectfully disagrees. It's seeming to indicate it's only been just over an hour.

By the time Antonella Murphy gets up to sing, I've lost my mind. What's she singing again? I check the program. "Don't Cry for Me Argentina." Oh great.

Shiv's gonna lose her shit. This is currently her favorite song. Her OCD works in strange ways. She only played it three times on the drive over. Such restraint. There's a whole routine. She acts out all the lyrics — best sideshow in town.

Her performance even caught Rucci's attention backstage. He's gesturing wildly and writing something out in the air. Dude, I don't understand? What do you want? I shake my head again, I don't understand, and resume staring at Joe O'Reilly. So handsome. So awkward, they just have to sit there on stage for hours and look pleasant.

Tap, tap, tap. "I think Rucci's trying to get your attention. I'm so glad you two are talking again." I half-smile. Allison.

Why does she think we're talking again?

"Thanks," I turn and look back at where he was standing, he's practically on stage. He should have better manners than that.

I still have no idea what he's trying to tell me. Oh! Now he's pissed. That part came through loud and clear.

And just then, as if she'd choreographed it perfectly to the lyrics, "The truth is I never left you /All through my wild days /My mad existence / I kept my promise / Don't keep your distance..."


Siobhán's wildly swaying arms smacked me squarely in the nose. I'm awake now. So is the entire court.


Intermission. I'm icing my face while I wait in line for cookies.

"Hey Sammy" I turn to see Jake and his band grabbing waters from the Booster Club. "What happened to your face? Are you okay?"

"Ugh, yeah, I'm fine. Shiv hit me in the face during her interpretive dance performance during Antonella's song." He laughs and shakes his head. It's not the first time Shiv's performed that routine, everyone knows. "You guys in the next act?"

"We are. Turd Rocket is right after the teachers skit."

A giant arm reaches around Jake, "C'mon man, we gotta get backstage. Get mic'd up." Scooter pops up from behind. "Hey Sam."

"Hey Scooter." These two, peas in a pod. "Oooooh, I'm up next for cookies. Break a leg you guys."

Mrs. A's cookies are worth the wait.

"Can we talk?" Rucci sneaking up from behind while I am distracted by chocolate chip snickerdoodles and birthday cake sugar cookies with sprinkles and frosting... Mmmmmm, frosting.

Siobhán shrugs her shoulders, and makes that face, that one that says 'I might have known he was going to do this. And, I know you don't want to, but I really think you should. Please?' I will get her back for this.

Fine. I handed her our cookies and started walking toward the front door.


"Why do you have to be such a bitch about this? I just want to talk."

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