March***Part 2

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Word that Jake asked me to the Prom is out. Spreading like wildfire.

The coven is NOT happy. The A-Team has gone dark. Things are gonna get primal.

I'm totally having one of those out of body experiences like you see on "Unsolved Mysteries." I'm standing here and it's happening to me. But somehow I'm watching it, like it's happening to someone else.

Melanie is standing on a chair in the café, screaming at me. Throwing a fit really. She went to the Semi with Jake and assumed she was a shoo-in for his prom date.

She's shouting lots of words. Lots of colorful expletives. I'm rather impressed with her vocabulary. Explains her PSAT score.

And I must admit, the chair is a nice touch.

It's all happening, in slow motion. I find myself looking around the room, at the sea of faces. The shock. The horror. The Rucci.

And that's how Rucci finds about Jake and the prom.


Shiv's playing with my hair. I'm braiding Shannon's.

Why does it feel so good when someone else plays with your hair?

"You and Jake seem to be spending a lot of time together?" Shannon asks, as I'm de-tangling some curls with my fingers, while we watch "Mallrats" for the 40th time. We really should just buy the VHS from Newbury Comics.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrug.

Here we go again...I mean, sure, we have been hanging out at rehearsals and stuff. And, he has called almost every night since he asked me to the prom. Why am I blushing?

"I don't know how you do it. He's such a pig."

Somewhere a record's just been scratched beyond recognition.

"What do you mean? Shan, he's one of your best friends. You hang out with him all the time."

"Look, I just don't want you to get hurt." Shiv's ears perk up behind me.

"He is one of my closest friends. But, he's a pig. And you just need to be careful."

"Shannon, what are you talking about? How am I gonna get hurt?" They exchange glances in their reflection in the TV. Clearly, Shan got to Shiv first.

"Tell her." Shiv, with a disapproving shake of the head.

"Like I said, he's a pig. He's a man whore. Has he tried to sleep with you yet?"

"What?" Sleep with me? We haven't even hung out alone.

"That's his move. He starts out all sweet, calling you, doing things for you, leaving notes in your locker. Then he flips the switch. Fucks you and he's done. Another notch on his bed post. Onto the next girl."

This is all rather rich, coming from Shannon, considering she's tried getting with just about every guy on the basketball team. "Well, I think we're good. It's just the prom."

"Right, and what happens after the prom?" Yes, yes, fair point. But this isn't the movies. "Anyone else need a soda?" And with that she disappears into the kitchen.

"We just don't want you to get hurt, Sammy. Be careful." Allison. I forgot she was here.

And my stomach sinks. I don't know what to make of all this. What the hell is Shannon talking about? But if Allison knows, this is a powder keg waiting to explode.


Dear Jesse —

I can't get what Shannon said out of my head. Did they give this same speech to Melanie? Or Annie? Hell, she's one of them and she's going to the Junior Prom with him. Shouldn't she be warned about the vile sex monster?

He can't just want sex. It's not ALL about sex with him, right? Okay, he's a teenage boy, so, yes, everything is about sex. But he can't just think he's going to take me to the prom and I'm just gonna give it up. And he sure as shit knows perfect, innocent little Annie is not going to give it up.

His choices don't make any sense. Everyone knows Annie is saving herself for marriage. I guess maybe if he really likes a challenge. But why?

And, I'm not that kind of girl either. I'm not planning to wait for marriage, but also not dropping my drawers for every guy that asks me to a school dance either.

There was that stupid rumor about me and Rucci last semester, but I thought we did a pretty good job of cleaning that up. Thanks again, Allison.

And, why do I even care? It's not like I'm falling for him. It's just the prom. Right? It's just the prom.

If he just wanted sex, he has the entire harem to choose from. Why ask me? Seems like a lot of extra work. Okay, fine, there was a little spark after Alanis. And he was really cute asking me to the prom, with the rose and everything. I'm not becoming one of them. I'm not. I've always thought he was good-looking, but no, no, I don't have a little crush on him. Nope. I refuse.


Sammy (who totally has a crush on the sex monster)


"Unsolved Mysteries": Hosted by Robert Stack. Friday night mystery program focused on unsolved murders, disappearances and aliens. Always gives me nightmares. But I can't turn it off.

Author's Note:  A Sex Monster!  What is Sammy going to do?  We all know what happens at the prom?

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