August***Part 9

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On the way home we duck into the church book sale. I'm thumbing through the pile of musty old history books and Oli wanders into the music section.

I find a couple books on RFK (a change of pace) and a paperback copy of the Warren Report which I tuck under my arm for safe purchasing.

I wander to join Oliver in the back.

"Hey, don't you have a thing for The Monkees?" He's holding up a copy of The Monkees original record. It's in pretty good shape.

How does he remember that?

"Hell yes, I do. Where'd you find that?" He points to the milk crate to the left of him.

This is my lucky day, that bin also contains an original The Partridge Family Album and THE Davy Jones record, excuse me, David Jones, featuring the hit single, "Girl." I'm so pumped. Shiv is gonna lose her mind when she sees these. And, the best part, they are only ten cents each. A steal. A total steal.

We pay for our treasures and walk outside. Our hands accidentally bump.

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't be. Happens." I bump back into him, getting even.

We walk on in silence for a while.

"Hey Oliver, you know last year, when we were talking..."

We stop.

"It wasn't totally unthinkable, but after this year..." I start.

Oli smiles at me.  A smile so pure and kind.

"After everything, I'm just really glad we became friends."


The End!

Author's Note: What do you think? Do you want to know more about Sammy and the gang? Who was your favorite character? Which pairing was your favorite couple?


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