May***Part 2

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Jake is cooking me dinner tonight. At his house.

Chicken and pasta with tomatoes. His specialty, so he says. I've never had a boy cook for me before. Frankly, ever since they discontinued Home Ec, I assumed no boy ever would.

I spy Jake walking out from his mom's room down the hall, he looks so cute in those brown corduroy pants. His muscular arms testing the limits of that short sleeve t-shirt.

What did I do to deserve him?

He catches me staring. "What?" he asks.

"Nothing," I blurt out, unable to suppress a high-speed blush. "Just admiring the view."

"Oh, nothing," mocking me. "I see how it is." He bends his tall frame over the counter and kisses me, deeply. I stand up to lean into his kiss, the stool begins to slide out from under me. His arms shoot around to steady me, then slowly one limb at a time, he rounds the end of the island counter to pull me off the stool and into his arms. "Pretty sure my view is better."

Oh, this boy is going to be a problem.

And, right on cue, the pot boils over, spitting water and making a huge mess. He pulls away, leaving his soft lips for last, not wanting to let go.

Stirring the pot with one hand, scrambling for a towel with the other, "You sure don't kiss like you haven't had a lot of practice." A suspiciously dirty grin hanging there between us as he runs to get more towels.


After dinner, we make our way to his bedroom, just to grab the movie. And because I am too curious to resist. His room is a mess, and it totally smells like boy. Like a whole locker room of sweaty boys.

Open a window, dude. Thank god we aren't watching the movie in here.

"Gotta get you a candle," I tease.

"What? Why?" Seriously? You don't smell that?

Pinching my nose, "Seriously? It smells like your gym socks in here. Worse actually."

"Well, maybe I can distract you." He leans in and kisses my neck.

This trick will never get old. But also, for real, can we go downstairs. Bath & Body Works Freesia Spray stat!

While we kiss, he reaches into his closet, ripping something off a hanger.

"What are you up to?"

As he slides the closet door shut, I notice a hole in the under-door.

He spins me around, covering my eyes and most of my face with one large hand, and directs me back down the hall.


Jake slips down into the love seat next to me. "I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"Well, we've been official for a couple weeks now." True, it is our three-week anniversary tomorrow. "And I thought that it might be time for you to look..."

What is he up to?

He bends over and starts tugging at something behind him. He's sitting on it. He keeps wiggling just right, so I can't see what it is, blocking my view with that thick mane of his.

"Wait your turn, young lady," he scolds, tucking his hair behind his ears, one side at a time, smiling. He's got my full attention. He is really enjoying this. Whatever he was yanking, it's now free and he's hiding it behind his back.

"Like I said, it's time you start looking like my lady. Close your eyes." I close my eyes. And before I know it, he is trying to pull something over on me, literally. I struggle to pull it down around my neck, it gets stuck on my ear, and then my nose. Finally. I open my eyes.

His team jersey, #13. Coincidentally, also my lucky number.

"What? Wait, are you serious?" I'm pretty sure my smile can be seen from space right now. Way better than getting my own letterman jacket.

"You like it?" He does this little eyebrow twitch when he asks a question he already knows the answer to, and today, it is too much for me. I shoot my arms through the holes and spring my arms around him tight.

I'm not sure we ever put the DVD in.


Author's Note:  Oh... Reality Bites... never gets old!

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