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Dear Jesse —

All the graduation festivities have worn me out. I'm exhausted. I could barely drag myself out of bed at noon today.

Three more graduation parties today — Archer's, Steve's and Scooter's. Penny and Tony were going back to Archer's tonight but I just couldn't do it. I'm spent. I made them drop me off.

I can barely keep my eyes open.



The doctor is examining me.

"Well, I want to run some tests to confirm. But I think it's a safe bet you have mononucleosis, young lady."

Oh fuck. Mono? Are you sure this isn't just a sore throat?

Not the kickoff to summer I had planned.


Dear Jesse —

I have mono. I have mother fucking mono. We got the blood tests back today. It's confirmed. I'm gonna be on house arrest the whole freakin' summer.

Jake's getting tested tomorrow. Though he doesn't seem to feel bad at all. How the hell did I get mono?

Mom let me see Jake for about an hour today, Shan dropped him off, and then Mom drove him home. She didn't trust me driving alone. I have mono, I'm not narcoleptic.

This summer is going to suck. Gonna blow last year's suck right outta the water.

Sammy (aka Mono Girl)


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