~Run away~ Pearl x Amethyst

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This Oneshot idea was from _Rashima_. I took this prompt she had and kind of messed with it. But here it is! I hope you enjoyed! If there is anything that needs to be fixed, let me know. Also leave your own ship requests (Any ship is fine. Just won't do Steven with anyone older then him.*Relationships  wise*) or prompt. I kinda made Rose a bad person, oop.
Any fanart used belongs to the rightfully owner.

Ameythst had her hand interlocked with Pearls as they walked down the city street and to a restaurant they both knew every well. They walked in and talked to a lady about getting seats. The lady lead them to a table and the two sat down.

"I hope Steven's okay. Garnet isn't really the one to be active a lot," Pearl mubbled out.

"Come Pearl. Steven is fine. He loves Garnet just as much as Garnet loves him," Amethyst smiled and grabbed her hand from her side. "I bet there playing that stupid game at the moment,"

Pearl laughed but stopped when she felt a held on her should. "Sorry I don't mean to interrupt, but I knew I saw your from where I was sitting and thought I come say hi," Pearl froze she knew the voice from anywhere. It was Rose her, ex wife. Things didn't work out between the two so they divorced when Steven was about 5 months.

Ameythst looked up at the lady. She stood at about 5'11. Her hair a light pink with some dark pink, it was a long length and was really curly. She was wearing a flowing dress that made every single one of her curves pop out. Ameythst looked at Pearl, her face a little unsettling. "Oh how rude of me! I'm Rose. Stevens other mother and Pearls ex wife," Rose brought her hand for Ameythst to shake. Amethyst did shake it.

"Amethyst," She replied harshly.

"Oh my god! Rember our dates Pearl!" Rose brought a chair for her to sit in and smiled. "We would walk on the beach for hour and hours. Or that time we went to the pool," Rose looked over at Amethyst, "She had the most killer body, I swear. You could see her boobs bounce perfectly!" Pearls face turned a dark red, "We would talk for hour about nothing, it was the best. Wasn't it Pearl," She laughed gently kicking her leg.

Amethyst smiled awkwardly. "I think I'm going to head home. See you later Pearl," She stood and walked out.

Rose smirking and looking back at Pearl. "So tell me what I've missed,"

"Steven, buddy. Come on. Where going somewhere," Amethyst shook Steven awake. The boy groans and turns.

"Not now Ameythst," She sighs and grabs his bag filing it with things.

"Come on. Up we go," She lifted the boy and walked out to her car. She laid him down in the back with a blanket. She put his book bag on the floor and sat down in her spot. Steven groans and fall back alseep.

She drove down the street and moved her way through town. She made it outside of town and drove in silence. Her phone went off a bit later. She picked it and sighed. "Hello this is Ameythst,"

"Amethyst. Tell me you have Steven," She looked back at the sleep boy and smiled.

"Yes I have him,"

"Oh thank God," A silence filled the call. "Where are you? It's like midnight,"

Ameythst frowns, "I'm goimg on ride, I don't know when will be back," She turned into the next town.  "I just thought I would spend time with Steven,"

"Okay be careful. Make sure he eats,"

"I will. Bye Pearl,"

"Bye Ameythst. Love you," Amethyst hung up and pulled into a rest stop. Where she feel alseep.

"Amethyst!" Steven yelled.

Ameythst jolts awake and put her hand over her heart. "Great grief child. I'm right here," She laughs and kisses his cheek.

"Where are we? Where's mom?" He asked looking around.

Amethyst sighs. "I took us to the next town. We're going to spend some time together." She looked down, "Away from mom,"

She sat her seat up and stared the car again. "Are we runing away?" He asked quietly.

She swolled and looked at Steven. "Yeah," She drove to a local diner. "Your smart for your age," She laughs.

Steven smiles and sits back. The two walked into the diner and sat down. They ordered food. As they were waiting Steven frowns. "I miss mom,"

Amethyst sighs. "Me to bud, but this will be good,"

"Can we go back?" He asked quietly. "I miss your guys cuddles," He frowns. "And her hot chocolate,"

Amethyst sighs. "Do you really want to go back?"

Steven nodded, "I miss lion as well,"

Ameythst turns away from the sad looking 6 year old.  "We'll head home after this," She shakes her head. "I shouldn't have dragged you into this bud,"

Steven thanked the lady when she brought him, his food. He then looked at Amethyst, "What happened between mom and you anyway,"

Amethsy drank her coffee and sighs, "We went out on a date last night and saw her ex,"

Steven eyes widen, "You meet my mom?"

Her eyes widen at this, "Shit! If Pearl says anything I didn't tell you anything. But yes...I did. She was really rude that night,"

He smiled and began to eat. "Lips are sealed,"

Of course his lips weren't seal and he spilled everything to Pearl. Amethyst knew she shouldn't have said anything to a hyper active 6 year old. Pearl looked down at Steven in shock. "Can I see my other mom?" He smiled jumping up down. Pearl looked up at Amethyst for help.

Amethyst laughs and shakes her head. Pearl looked down at him, "I'm sorry bud. You can't. Mommy has a restraining order on her,"

"Restraining order?" He looked at her sadly.

"Meaning she can't go near you,"

"But why?" He bit his lip as tears gathered in his eyes.

"She did some bad things to you as baby," He made a sad face. "I'm sorry bud." Pearl kissed his head and ruffled his hair. "Why don't you go lay down, It's nap time," He huffed and walked off to his room.

Pearl leans against the kitchen island. Amethyst looks over at her. She wrapped her arms around the taller one and kissed her. "Please don't run off again," She sniffles. "Last night was pretty lonely,"

Amethyst smiled, "I won't. I missed you,"

Pearl sighs and looks down at her. "I missed you two." She pulled away and turned to Steven's door. "I think he might need some cuddles,"

Amethyst laughs and smiles, "Yeah. Let's go,"

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