~White & Pink Diamond~

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Pink picked up her bag and made her way to the front door. Her mother were gone, away to the city over. She had just turned 18 meaning she was able to run away and not have anything happen.

She walked down her dark street. It's was midnight when she decided that she wanted to go. She felt like a burden to her mothers, always disappointing them. She was even yelled at because she didn't want to become the Mayor, no matter how hard her mom cried.

She came to a stop at her grandmother's house. Her grandma was always there for her. It was normal for the two to spend days togther.

Pink gripped her book bag tighter. It's was dark and she had seen about two car slow down near her but drive off. She adventures down the street and to the white house smack in the middle. She knocked and sighed. "Who is I?" A voice called out. It was sweet and kind.

"It's me, grandma," Pink yelled back. The door opened and she was thrown into a hug.

"Starlight! Oh look at you. You've grown so much. Happy birthday by the way," Pink smiled and hugged back. "Come in. Let's talk," she followed the tall lady to her room. White pulled out a box. "Take one,"

Pink did and sat down, Her grandmother grabbing one and sitting across from her. The two light there blunts and stared talking. "There just so frustrating. All because I don't want to be the mayor."

"I hear you Starlight," Pink took a deep breath the smell was somewhat calming to her. It took away some of her issues as she sat there in the living room. "I'm glad you decided you wanted to leave," White looked down at her phone. "I know someone by the name of Rose. She lives in Beach City. I think she would love  to help you,"

Pink nodded. "Just Her my number,"

White looked at her watch and saw the time. "Okay I will. Well it's late and  I have places to be tommorw. Be a dear and shut the light off for me,"

Pink smiled and nodded. "Goodnight Grandma,"

White kissed her and smiled. "Good night. Be safe Starlight,"
This was requested by sigh100. It's short and I'm sorry about that!

If something doesn't sound right let me know.

Requests or Prompts?~~~~~~~~~~

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