Pearl x Amethyst.

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"Is that all I am to? Just some replacement!" The shot woman yelled. "Just so you don't have to thing about stupid Rose, or Steven!"

Pearl pushed her hand against her mouth as she shook, "Amethyst-"

"Just save it, I try so hard to be there for you, and you just- just throw me around like dirt!"

"Please stop!" A voice called out. Steven had managed to get his way out of Garnets hold and in between his two guardians.

"Steven, hunny, go back with Garnet please," Pearl looked twords her son to be.

"Not till you two make up! You always fight and it gets in the way! I can't go to school without getting talked about," Tears fell down his cubby face, "Please stop fighting,"

Amethyst dropped her duffle bag and approached him. She wrapped her arms around the boy and held him close. "Don't cry, none of this is your fault, I know your blaming self,"

Steven sniffles and dug his face into her shoulder. " Do you hate Pearl?"

Ameythst looked at Pearl and sighs. "No I don't, it's just sometimes adults can't get along,"

"Are you leaving Garnet, Pearl, and me?"

"I- um. I'm going to be at Peridots for a while,"

"So no more play fights?"

"Only for a while," She pulled away and kissed the boys head. "Watch over them okay?"

"Okay," He sniffles and watched her walk out. Pearl curled into a ball on the couch, "Pearl?"

She looked over at her son and sighed, "I'm sorry Steven,"

He made his way into her lap and clung on to her, "don't leave me,"

She sighs and digs her face in his hair, "I would never, I love you too much,"

Just some stuff. I Pinterest if you want to see picks of Steven Universe and VolleyPearl then check it out: Some of the pictures in this will be used for my new story,

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