Yellow Diamond x Yellow Pearl

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"My request was a sequel to the Yellow Diamond X Yellow Pearl one where they are outside smoking cigarettes and Yellow starts crying and Yellow Pearl comforts her"

Yellow Diamond stood out back with her Pearl. Blue had left Yellow to be with her Pearl. It hurt Yellow. The two had a family. Pink was there daughter and she threw everything away. Everything.

Yellow took a drag from her cigarette and sighed. Her Pearl stood to her side. "My diamond, you have a meeting soon,"

"Of course I do," She took a deep breath no idea what has gotten over her. "With who is It?"

"Rose, her gang has requested we give up some of our land or they'll attack you daughter," Yellow sighs.


"Yes my diamond, her,"

"Make sure Rose is here at 12 sharp. I'll give up 10% of the land," Yellow threw her cigarette bud on the floor and stormed up the buling with Pearl. But they didn't expected was for her to break down in the elevator.

Yellow Pearl placed a hand on her back and hugged her. "It will, be okay My diamond. I sure of it,"

"My own daughter wants nothing to do with me," She cried out.

Pearl sighs and holds her close. "I'm sure its not ture, my diamond," Pearl bit her lip and looked away, "If it makes you better, I may have gone out with blues pearl the other day," Yellow sighs and picks herself up, cleaning up a bit before the door opened. 'Maybe she didn't hear me,"

Requested by: agemforlife

Two more one shots and then I making another story. This might stay up, might not I don't know.

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