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Steven didn't have what you would call a normal family. He lived with his two mother's and grandparents.

Pearl was the overprotective one. Always by Stevens side when he need something, making sure no one was looking at her baby the wrong way. But Steven knew deep down she was hurting. She didn't show it but Steven knew. He found out a couple weeks ago. It was around midnight when he caught his two mother's in the kitchen. Pearl was crying non stop, something about not feeling good. Steven never asked, his mother hated when he got involved with adult things.

Garnet on the other hand was the quiet one. She rarely said a word and when she did it was for the right reason. She made sure Pearl didn't spoil Steven. Made sure he got every meal of the day, made sure he was eating, even if his body didn't want him two, she made sure. Steven loved her, He loved having her around during bedtime. He would snuggle close to her and outline the birthmark on her palm as he told crazy storys about his little world.

Steven knew his family was different. He had two mother's, no father in sight. That made Steven sad. On father day at school he would sit and listen to the kids talk while he thought about his mother's. He could consider Garnet has a father but like the term mother for her better.

It just hurt him. Enough for him break down in the middle of Target. Garnet was pushing the cart at the time trying to talk to him, but when she notices him looking off, she sighs. "Steven are you okay?"

Steven looked at Garnet and shook his head as tears fell down his face. "I-" he started but was shushed by his own cries.

"Steven, buddy," She stopped the cart, when Pearl heard the voice of her wife and the cries of her child had she rushed over to be by there side. "Whats wrong?"

Steven bit his lip. Pearl frowns and rubs at his cheek. "Steven please. It's not good to keep things bottled up, would you rather wait for when we leave? I only need milk and cookie cats. Then we can go,"

Steven had nodded to his mother. Pearl kissed him before continuing down the isle staying semi close to the cart. Steven was tracing Garnets hand as they made there way through the store.

When they made into the car Steven had broken down again. Pearl frowned and looked back at him. She brought her hand to him and played with his. "Hey bud, What wrong?"

Steven looked at his mothers hand and kissed it. "People at school, make fun of me,"

Pearl smiled at the gesture from the child but soon was replaced with a frown. "They make fun of you, why?"

"Because I have two mommies," He whispers out.

Garnet looked back at him as she pulled out and made her way home. "I think having two mom's is awesome,"

Steven giggles slightly, "Silly you have to mommies," Garnet nodded and looked back at him one last time.

"Don't they make the best grandma's?"

"I guess they do," Steven smiled and traces his mother hand. "I'm sorry for the trouble I cause. I'm sorry my stupid stomach won't let me eat food,"

"Oh Steven, none of it is your fault. It's who you are, and we love you for that," Pearl leaned over the seat and kissed him. "Will always love you,"

Steven knew he may not have a normal family but this was his family. He was proud to them call them his mothers. Maybe he can have a family of his own some day.

Day two family! Hoping to write the requests today and get them posted Thursday and Friday along with the days.

Requests or prompts?~~~~~~

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