~Baby Steven~

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Rose was gone. She doesn't exist anymore, only leaving behind a mess and a child.

Pearl wasn't to happy about this. She kept blaming an innocent child for taking away her beloved Rose. She knew rose wasn't hers, but they had their fair share of romance before her and Greg dated.

Garnet. There were no words to describe how she felt. She was always hiding behind a tough glare or in her room. When Steven was brought in the world she wanted so badly to go back and stop Rose from going through with it. She often split when no one was around. Ruby would be beyond pissed and Sapphire would just sit, looking at all possible outcomes.

Now Amethyst was a completely different story. She lost the person who taught her to see the better in the world. The one who taught her that she was the only good thing to come from the kindergarten.

The three of them had a plan. They so badly wanted their leader back. They decided that they were going to take Steven. They had left late at night when they knew Greg would be alseep.

"Now be careful. Human babies are really fragile," Pearl had whispered. Garnet had picked up the baby, he was wide awake. Amethyst kept watched and smiled.

"Let's get out before he wakes up," Garnet picked up the others and jumped to the temple.

"Okay Rose," Pearl called out into the gem. Nothing had happened. "Please Rose. Greg isn't here, it's just us," Steven was wiggling from the tickling feeling. Pearl didn't know if Rose was listening or not, but she wasn't liking it one bit.

Pearl had handed the baby back to Garnet. "Made its fusion," Garnet handed the semi confused baby to Pearl (again) and unfused. Ruby and Sapphire had appeared. Ruby was holding on to sapphire, not liking the whole unfuse thing.

Steven had looked down at the two. Confused and scared washed over his face. He was so use to having the taller gem, why was there smaller gems. Where was his Garnet? The two small gems frowned before fusing again. He became happy.

Amethyst looked at the baby smiled. "Just shape shift!" It's easy. Look!" Super body glowed as she grew to Garnets height and then back to hers.

Steven looked at the purple gem like she had just lost her mind. Nothing was working and the gems just wanted Rose back. That's all they ask for....is that so hard?

"Pearl! I need you to watch Steven," Greg had yelled out as he made his way to the finished home. Pearl was outside putting up last decor. "I have to go to Sun City, for carwash parts," he handed over the wiggling toddler and a bag. "I packed extra things for him. I know you have your own items and stuff but just take it,"

Pearl held Steven to her chest and smiled. "Anytime," She walked inside as Greg had walked off. She placed the bag down and let Steven down. Steven ran around the living room, waiting for his favorite gems to come out.

"Gahnet!" He called out his tiny fist hitting against the wood of where the house ended. "Ame! Peaes come out!" Pearl smiled at him and laughed.

"Steve-man," Amethysts smiled. She had walked out with hands behind her head and a determined smile.

"I stay!" He smiled. "Over dark,"

Pearl sighs. She's been trying real hard to get him to talk. "Night," she correct while going through his clothes. "Greg won't be back till morning,"

The small gem had been chasing Steven around. She stopped when he grew tired. But at this time he had realized that Garnet hadn't come out. "Gahnet?" He looked up at Pearl, big fat tears threaten to spill over.

"I don't know where she is," Steven frowns and sat on the floor looking over at the temple. Waiting for the sound of pad or the open of the door. "Maybe she's on a mission. I'm sure she'll be here for bed time," Pearl put the basket down and picked up Steven. "But for now it's nap time," She walked up the stairs and laid him in bed. "Good night, I'll be right downstairs if you need me,"

"No!" Steven yelled his little feet hit against the wood. "No wanna," He was stomping and run around trying to get out Pearls arms. "You no want to payw with Tevne, then Tenven not want you," he yelled. He had been doing this for an hour, ever since Pearl had said she had things to do.

Garnet watched form the couch. Or that's what Pearl was thinking. Garnet had fallen sleep about an hour ago and when she was out nothing was waking her up. "Time out. now," Pearl had pointing to the wall. "And no cookie cats after dinner. Now sit and think about what you did,"

Steven had stomped his way to the corner. He crossed his arms and whined as Pearl set a timer. He didn't like the corner or punishments. It made him feel bad, but he knew it was helping him be a better person. He maybe only 4. but he caught on to things better then most kids. Pearl was saying it was because he was part gem. He liked to think it was because of looks.

Just some random one shots of Steven as a baby. I don't know why but I kinda don't like these, but I'm trying. If there is something that doesn't sound right let me know.

Request or Prompts?~~~~~~~~~

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