~Yellow Pearl x Blue Pearl~

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"Make sure you get my good side," Yellow Pearl smiles. She was standing in front of her girlfriend posing like she normally would.

Blue smiled and laughs softly, "All your sides are good," Her soft and quiet voice could hardly be heard over the class next door.

The two had been dating for a good year, and couldn't be happier with anyone else. Of course Blue was misheard at times considering her quiet and soft body language, meaning they would fight at times but they always got through it. Opposites attract don't they?

"What's going on in here?" White Pearl smirks. She was supposed to be in math class but she decided to skip. "Yellow and Blue? Getting along?" Blue froze and gently put her tablet down. Yellow stood straight and watched White closely. "I hope I wasn't intruding on anything," White made her way to Blue and snatched the device out of her hand. With a quick throw the tablets was laying on a couch not far from the group. White pushed Blue and laughed.

"Don't hurt her White!" Yellow yells and rushed her girlfriends side. White laughs and points a finger at the two.

"So you two are dating," She looked at her nails and then the door. "Just admit it, you guys are just like those freaks," She looked down at them again, "Ruby and Sapphire, are their names...right?"

Yellow helped Blue up, she gently pushed Blue behind her and looked at White, "So what?"

White laughs an evil laugh and looks down at her phone, "I think we need a new talk around this school," she typed a few things before looking over them again. "Freaks," She spat before walking away and down the hall.

Yellow looked down at her girlfriend. She gently pushed her hair out of her face and looked into her eyes. Her blue crystal like eyes were dull and lifeless, the thick layers of tears not helping her any better. Yellow helped her stand and grabbed her tablet having it to her. "Let's get put of here," As they walked out and down the hall as fast as they could.

Blue was silent the whole way to Yellows locker. Yellow grabbed her keys, "Let's get out before the bell rings," It didn't matter that they were leaving it the last call anyway.

The next day Blue walked down the hall by herself slowly, all the nasty and unkind looks and words she was getting weren't helping with her current situation. Eveyone was laughing and call her names as she walked down the seemingly long hall. "Freak,"

Yellow wasn't anywhere to be seen so she walked to her locker herself. When she got to her locker she saw Pearl leaning against it. She slowly approached. "Ummm, excuse me," Her soft voice called out.

Pearl moved out of the way and smiled at her. "Hey! I'm sorry, I didn't think you would show up so early," Blue opened her locker and listened to Pearl. "So is it true?"

"Is what true?" She closed the door and looked at Pearl.

"Yellow and you," Pearl smiled.

"Oh um,"

"I'm not mean like those other jerks! I'm fine with it. I'm dating the  head baseball player, and my friend Sapphire is dating the head basketball," Blue smiled a little and looked around. "Would you like to join us for lunch?"

"That would be lovely,"

"Awesome! I'll see you later!" Pearl waved and ran off around the conner, leaving blue by herself...again.

"Blue!" Yellow sighs and ran to her girlfriends side.

"Yellow," She greeted and began her way to her first class.

"Sorry I'm later, I slept in," Blue smiled and nodded.

"Hello I'm Ruby, this is my girlfriend Sapphire," The girl pointed to another girl who's hair was coming one eye. "That's Pearl and her girlfriend Amethyst," Blue smiled and waved.

"I'm blue, this is Yellow," Blue voice softly said.

"Yo! Your those two White is taking about!" Amethyst called out, Pearl elbowed her and smiled at the two.

"She's A little bitch, sorry about that," Blue nods and sits down.

Sapphire looked at her friends, "What has White been saying?"

Ruby looked away, Ameythst took out her phone, leaving Pearl to explain. "Welll um. You see, White has been saying things about the two." Pearl took a deep breath and turned to Sapphire. "About how they are gay,"

Sapphire frowns, "It doesn't matter what she has to say," She looked at Blue and Yellow, "Just stick with people who accept you."

In the end Yellow and Blue stuck with the tiny group and eveyone learned to get along. Yellow and Blue lived on to have a family and get married. No one would have wanted it any other way....Or So we thought. 

How was That? This prompt was from _Rashima_. I'm working on another work at the moment! If something doesn't sound right, let me know! Isn't that picture to die for! Always taking requests!

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