Mystery Lady

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"Who are you?" Steven asked. His bright red star shrit stopping at his feet.

"I'm Storm, Where's Pearl?" Storm bent to the 4 year olds height.

"Pearl?" The little child looked at the stairs and then back at the lady. "Do you like Pearl?"

"I love Pearl,"

"You love her!" Steven jumped around and clapped his hands. "Pearl is my mommy!" Storm laughs softly and nodded.

"I've heard a lot about you," She stood up again. "Can I come in?"

Steven smiled and pulled her in. "Pearl!"

"One seconded Steven. I just got out of the shower,"

"But Storm is here! She said she loves you!" Steven smiled. He shut the door and smiled at the steps.

"She can come up!" The voice yelled. It sounded kinda muffled as Steven pulled her up the stairs.

Storm laughed at the child's excitement. When the two walked into the room Pearl already had her pants on, she was having trouble with her Bra. Storm laughs and comes closer to help her.

Pearl thanked her and finished getting ready. Pearl picked up Steven and kissed. "Okay I'm going out with Storm. Amethyst will be here for a bit, but Ruby and Sapphire get home soon," Steven smiled and hugged his mom before she set him down and he went runing to Amethysts room. Pearl looked at Storm, "I was hoping we could go out to eat so you could meet him, and Amethyst. Since you meet him would you like to meet Her?"

Storm agreed and Pearl brought her to the end of the hall. Pearl went in a bit and pointed at a girl with light purple hair. Her and Steven were on the bed watching a new show. "This is my oldest. Amethyst,"

The girl looked at her door and smiled at her mother. "Who's that?"

"I'm Storm. Your mom's girlfriend," Amethyst nodded and looked away.

"I'll be back tonight. Curfew at 12 young lady! Steven you need to get help from Garnet for bed. Ruby and Sapphire are leaving when she gets here," Steven smiled and waved to his mother as she left.

"So? Do you what to play with me?" Steven asked his sister. Amethyst groans and turns away from the boy.

"No go away!" Steven frowned and slowly made his way to his room. He picked up his tiny bear and played by himself.

"Steven?" A soft voice called out. Steven looked up at the lady standing in his door way. "Why aren't you in there with your sister?"

Steven stood and walked to Sapphire. Sapphire picked him up. "She don't like Steven,"

"Why doesn't she like you?" Steven shrugged and laid his head on her shoulder. She made her way to the end of the hall and walked in. Amethyst was laying on her bed on her phone. "Amethyst?"


"Why don't you like Steven?"

Amethyst frowns and pointed to the door. "I don't want to talk. Leave." Sapphire sat Steven down.

"Why don't you go play the PlayStation with Ruby," Steven nodded and rushed down the stairs. "Amethyst,"


"What's on your mind?"

"Moms new girlfriend," She groans and pushed her face further into the pillow. "I don't want a new mom. I'm fine with you guys and Garnet. They've been dating for years now...she's been talking about marriage,"

Sapphire sighs and hugs the child. "Well it means your mom has moved on. Why don't you?"

"Because Mommy was my best friend. Stupid Steven came and took her! She promised to stay with me forever!" Sapphire softly rubbed at her back and kissed her head.

"But you have a new friend. You can't be mad at your bother for something he didn't mean to do. It's been 4 years. Your mother had moved on and shes happy. Why don't you get to know Steven more. He loves food just as much as you. He also loves your friend,"

Amethyst sighed and stood up with Sapphire the two made there way to the living room where Ruby had Steven in her lap, the two playing GTA.
"Would you like to stay the night? It's getting bad," Pearl asked her girlfriend. The two were walking up to the door. Storm smiled s nd kissed her.

"I don't mind if you don't," Pearl smiled and unlocked the door. She lead the girl to her room.

"I'm gonna shower, I'll be fast," Storm nodded and Pearl rushed to get everything. Before stepping in the bathroom.

Storm was on her phone for a bit before the patter of feet and sniffling was heard. She looked up and a teary eye Steven stood in the door way. He rushed to her and climbed into the bed. Storm held on to Steven as he cuddled into her. "Steven? What's the matter. What happened?"

Steven sniffles and shakes his head, "You don't want to talk about it?" He nodded and held on to her tighter. "Awww poor guy," She held him closer and hummed. She brought out her phone again and played some kid videos on YouTube. That calmed him down faster then she was thinking. She laid him in the bed.

Pearl came out and smiled at the sight. Her girlfriend has her arms around Steven, as Steven cuddled into her. Pearl looked at the door way and saw Ameythst. Pearl smiled and gestures for the girl to get in bed so they could all sleep like a family.

Ugh Zach Callison is so hot. Anyway! Here's this. Somewhere deep down I have a really bad soft spot for this ship. That's a sketch of Lapis Lazuli! I did myself with Colored pencils and water colors. I do see the face and skin are the same color :(. I'm trying go get better! I'm working on getting requests done. I've just been writting what's on my mind.

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