Connvember Pt.3

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13: Misson

Connie had one mission. To protect Steven. To forget about herself, to be his knight. To die for him, and that's what she was going to do.

Pearls gem laid off to the side along with Garnets and Amethysts. It was just her and Steven.

The currpted gem jumped to attack Steven but Connie interfered. She drew Rose's sword and swipped at it. It missed and went to hit her. Before she could do anything Steven had summoned his bubble. "Connie!" He fell to her side and tried to keep the bubble up as the gems contuined to attack. "Are You Okay?"

Connie took a deep breath and nodded. "Come on Steven its goimg to get away!" But Steven didn't move instead he rolled the bubble and pushed the gem. It screeched and ran off. "Steven!"

Steven dropped the bubble and grabbed the gems that laid to the side. "Garnet said if we needed to, to leg it go." He held the gems close to him, and stared walking.

Connie walked behind him and contuine to yell about how someone's at risk. Steven ignored her and let the gems lay on the couch. The first gem to come back was Amthesyt, then Pearl and then Ruby. Ruby held Sapphire's gem close in hopes it would help her out but nothing happened.
14: Kiss

The moon light, lit the ocean as the fusion sat down. They felt at peace. They were here and ready to relax. Ready to be a better fusion, but the conflict between the two teens that made them, was pulling them away from the world.

A light appeared and the two teens flew to the opposite sides of where their fusion was sitting. "Well maybe I don't want!" Connie yelled and stood. Steven following after. "You've seen the things he done to us! Steven why can't you see that?" Tears streamed down her face as walked off.

Steven was following her like a lot puppy. "Please Connie, I was just mad. Please! We could talk to Garnet! Togther," He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. He cupped her face as she closed her eyes trying to even out her breathing. "We have to stay strong,"

Connie hugged him and cried into his shoulder, "I just feel so violated. So broken," She clung to him tighter and let her tears fall. "Stupid Kevin. We were fine until he showed up,"

Steven patted her back and nodded. "I know, I know. We can't let him get to our head," He looked up at home and nodded. "We should talk to Garnet,"

Connie nodded. She knew Garnet would understand and not interrupt them. Steven grabbed her hand and lead her to his home. As they walked in they almost ran into Garnet. Connie shuffled behind Steven quite nervous and scared.

Steven smiled at the fusion and looked back at Connie, "Stovinne needs to talk to you," Garnet nodded and sat down.

Connie looked up at Steven. Steven looked back and cupped her face to kiss her. A light filled the room as Stovinne appeared. They touched their lips and smiled. Before looking at Garnet and swallowing down lunch.

They sat down next to other fusion and looked down. They messed with there hand and sighed. "We went out last night," They took a deep breath. "Kevin was there and forced himself on me," they looked up and Garnets face had fallen. She quickly put them in a hug and sighed.

"Oh Stovinne," She messed with the fusion hair. "I'm so sorry. I knew I shouldn't have let you, I saw a possibility of that happening but I guess I wasn't thinking,"

Stovinne clung to Garnet and cried. Garnet frowned. "He wouldn't back off. No matter how many time I told him no,"

Garnet held them tighter and frowned. "Its fine. He won't hurt you anymore,"
15: Human AU (Connie older the Steven in this one)  

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