~Run away~ Pearl x Amethyst

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"Hello? Are you dead?" Amethyst groans at the voice. How dare they wake her up. As she shifted sand got in mouth.

"Blek!" She spit it out and watched the voice she heard earlier jump back.

She looked up and saw a small boy. His hair had a bundle of curls at the top. He smiled and waved. "I'm Steven!" She scrunched her eyes up at him.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?"

Steven held his hand out and helped her up. "Eveyones busy back at the inn so I came to get sea shells! What are you doing?"

Amethyst dusted herself off, "I," She paused and sighed. "I'm was traveling though,"

"And you fell asleep on the beach?" He asked. His eyebrows rised in confusion. "Is that what people do now a days?"

Amethyst sighed and shook her head, "You shouldn't  be talking to be me bud,"

Steven frowned and grabbed her hand. "Come with me! I'm sure my family would love to meet You!" The little boy was surprisingly strong. She was surprised he could push all her weight. "Garnet!" He waved to a tall lady who looked to be painting something. "Look! Meet my friend.." He looked up at her and smiled.


"Amethyst!" He shouted. The tall lady smiled and waved at the lady.

"Sapphires in the kitchen. She's looking for You," Steven nodded and pulled her inside the neat looking home.

As she looked she felt out of place. Her pants had massive holes in them. Her face was really messy and she couldn't really maintain her hair.

"Sapphire!" The boy yelled. Amethyst near jumped out of skin. Steven quickly apologized and then proceed to introduce her to  eveyone but his mother.

He invited her to stay the night and eat dinner (Sapphires idea)

Steven mother had come down that night. Amethyst was helping setting the table when she came in. Steven smiled widen as me hugged his mom. "Mom! This is Amethyst! Amethyst, Pearl!"

Pearl waved to the person and turned away. She looked at Garnet concerned but when Garnet didn't speak she turned on her heels. "Will she be staying?"

Steven nodded the biggest smile he could muster, "Sapphire said she could!"

Amethyst didn't look at the mother and turned. "I could just sleep out at the beach again. It won't be a hassle,"

Pearl turned and shook her head, "Maybe you should shower," she turned to Steven and smiled. " Steven be a dear and show to our shower," Steven nodded and jumped up leading his new friend to the bathroom.

"Okay Steven, bed time," Garnet called out. Steven groaned.

"But Garnet!"

"No butts mister! Let's go. Ruby and Sapphire are waiting down stairs. Goodnight hugs and kisses let's go," She looked at him.

Steven pouted and hugged Amethyst and then kissed her cheek. "Goodnight bud!" Steven waved from Garnet hold and the two walked down stairs.

Amethyst laid down making herself comfortable but she watched Pearl make her way through the door. "I wanted to say thank you," The lady swolled something and smiled. "He's not really good at making friends,"

Amethyst shook her head, "that hard to believe he seems like a really nice kid,"

Pearl laughed sat down on the bed, "He is. He just has really bad ADHD so kids tend to stay away. This one kid names Peedee loves hanging out with them,"

Amethyst nodded and sat up. Pearl looked down and out the door. Amethyst studied her face, the light from the hallway made her face shine a bit more. Before either could think they were kissing each other.

When they pulled away both looked away blushing shades of red. "I uh...was it me or?"

"No! No! We weren't thinking...but like if you wanted to," Amethyst laughed and kissed her again.

The taller one gently pushed her down and smiled. "I'm a bit rusty," She whispered out kissing the smaller ones neck. Garnet had walked by just in time. She shut the door and laughed. "Thanks Garnet!" Pearl called out.

Amethyst smiled and contuined to kiss her, "Noy My first time either," She breathed out. "Hair pulling is a turn on,"

Pearl laughed and gently pulled on her hair. "Of course it is,"

This is so bad. Im sorry. Anyway if something doesn't sound right let me know!

Requests or prompts?~~~

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