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Pink Diamond was a spoiled brat. No matter what way you looked at it. Always getting what she wanted, but when it came to the company she got nothing but an assistant. It pissed her off more then anything. She was old enough to have part of it, heck she was responsible enough!

White diamond is the CEO of Diamond Entertainment. She was really a down low person, taking note of every little imperfection. When she had give Pink her assistance, she had found the small girl charming, perfect in fact and knew exactly what Pink would do to the poor girl.
"Pearl!" Pink Diamond giggled as she came through her bedroom door, "You will no believe what happen,"

Pink looked over at girlfriend from her place on the bed and smiled. She sat the magazine down and smiled at the girl. "What's up?"

"I got my own part of the company!" Diamond spun around and smiled. Pink smiled and hugged her girlfriend.

For the next few months it all Diamond worried about. It was so bad for Pink to where she seek help from White Diamond. "My child she worked up, and made you feel left out. I can fix that," White smiled and held out her hand.

Pink looks around before grabbing Whites hand and falling into her hold. White held her close humming softly. She smiled and cuddled into the side of the mother.

When Pink Diamond was around things werea different, White and Pearl went back to eating eachother. But durning the night things felt rigjt For Pink Pearl and White, the room seem to be hot.

"Augh!" Pink had moan out, White had her against the door and was smirking.

"Pink Diamond, Hasn't been herself, but Starlight I can make you feel a lot better,"

Sorry this is short! I really am, I'm working on a new story at the moment. Request from sigh100

Oof. Requests or Prompts?~~~~~

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