Connvember Pt.2

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7: Home world.

Connie shifted a bit. The overwhelming amount of gems that were thanking her and Steven was making her uncomfortable. She knew they were doing it because they were more then grateful to have there Diamond and his wife there.

Steven looked over at Connie and grabbed her hand. "Are you Okay?" Connie subconsciously twisted his ring.

"Yeah," She looked down at the Rubies and Sapphires, who were thanking them. Garnet smiled at some of them. Some of the Rubies were failing at flirting with the Sapphires.

Steven kissed her and contuined to greet the gems who had to follow.

It's not that she hates homeowrld, she just rather be home with Steven cuddling. She loved her husband and supported him through everything she just didn't want to deal with the diamonds and the gems that had to follow.

8: Role Reverse.

Connie warped in and smiled at Steven. Steven jumped up and ran to hug her. "Your back! How was your trip?"

Connie rolled her eyes and sighed. "The diamonds were on my butt the whole time," She kissed Steven and looked back at Garnet.

"Connie your back," Connie smiled and hugged the gem. "It was a blast," she rolled her eyes and smiled. "Mom sure messed up, there's so much to learn," She groans and falls back into Steven,

Garnet laughed and shook her head. "Pearl had made dinner if you two are up for it,"

The two kids looked at eachother before racing into the home and go the dinner table.

9: Past

Connie had found herself up at 4am. She slowly stood up and made her way to the porch. The moon light up the ocean as she looked put into it. She sat down, thoughts of her past had occupied her mind.

Connie age: 12

"Connie please cooperate. Your father got a job in Beach City, we've got everything ready," Her mother sighed, "I know I said we weren't going to move again, and I'm sorry, but you need to come down now," Connie had somehow managed to get in a tree after her mother had said it was time to go. Her father had been in Beach City  for over a couple of days, while her and her mother stayed behind.

Connie slowly got down, not wanting to leave her home. A waterfall or tears of washed down her face as she frowns. "I didn't even make a single friend," Growing up she never really made friends. No one wanted to be friends with a know it all.

Connie's mom sighed and bent down to her daughter's height. "We're not moving again. When we get there will go out to beach and hang out," Connie nodded and wiped at her tears. "Now hurry to the car. Dad's waiting for us."

Connie age; 16

Connie looked at Steven. His face was a darl red and we holding out a thing of flowers. "F-for You!"

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