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Day 3: suicide (Warning)

"Today we gathered here to say goodbye to a lovely Person, Connie Maheswaran," Steven watched a older man stand before the black casket. "She was a loving friend, daughter, and Crystal Gem, it sad we see such a beautiful soul leave so soon,"

Everything came to stop as Steven was called up to say something. Connie's parents smiled at them as they held back there cries. "Well Connie and me were best friends. She was an amazing person, we use to play and stay up for hours,"

"We should watch lonely blade 2," Steven smiled and grabbed the disc.

"Yeah sounds good!" Connie replied and laid down, Steven cuddle next to her and the two watched the movie. It was around 3am when Pearl come to see the kids still up, but this time playing games.

"Steven, Connie, What are you two doing up so late?" Connie looked up at the taller gem and smiled. Pearl frowns slightly, her face look horrible. Bags gathered under her eyes, Pearl could swear she tears gather in her eyes, but before she could say anything Connie looked back and helped Steven.

"When we first formed Stovinne. We were scared. Scared they wouldn't be accepted them for who they are. We went to the gems firsts seeing as Connie wasn't ready to tell her parents. They all accepted them, it took Connie years to tell her parents, and they took them in like a child,"

"I don't know Steven, What if they make me stop seeing you?" Connie bit her lip and looked down. Steven grabbed her hand and they began to walk to her home,

"It will go just as planned!" He smiled. He rushed inside Connie home, Connie following behind. "Mr. And Dr. Maheswaran we wnat you to meet someone," He held up Connie's hand and the two fused.

A tall tan person stood infront of the two parents, they looked around and then stepped back in fear from the two parents. "Hello Moth- Dr.? Mr? Father?" They began to freak out before Dr. Maheswaran stepped in.

"Mother and father is fine,"

"All I'm trying to say is I want my Connie back!" He sobbed out as her tired to run to the casket, Garnet caught him in time and sat down.
Day 4: Star

The little girl. About 2'3 looked up at her mother. Her place hair everywhere as she yawned. Her mother shook her head and sighs. "Why do you have your father hair," She groans as the push got stuck for the fifth time. "We don't have time for this," She began to work at the little girls hair and smiled when she finally got it.

Steven has come sometime during the little talk about their daughters hair. "Please tell me your ready, my whole family is going to be there and we need to be there to mother," Steven looked at his wife in surprise.

"That today?" Connie groaned and hut her hesd against the wall.

"Yes Steven," Steven stood up and hurried out. The little family made it to her parents home in time to help her mother and father.

Connie was sent off to get her stuff and bring it in. Her other child sat on the couch alseep in his carseat. When she made it back into the kitchen her little girl was holding a knife. Connie took the knife out of her hand and sighs. "No knifes Tala,"

"But Pearl let's me use them!" Connie looked at her daughter in shock.

"She does?" Tala nodded and Connie made a note to talk to her later. "Steven could you set the table with Tala, eveyone should be here in a bit," She kissed him and smiled. "If you get uncomfortable we can leave early," Steven smiled like a little kid and the two loves of her life were off.

"Hurry in, welcome guys," A group of people had gathered around the living and was inturced to Connie family. "This is Tala, Steven, YeoMar," A mix of people gathered around and greeted them. Connie's dad was Korean while Connie's mother was Indian.

"Connie hunny, come here," Connie looked down at her grandmother. The old lady was sat in a wheel chair. Connie bent down and smiled at her.

"Hello nana," the lady kissed her forehead and smiled. With shaky hands she grabbed Connie's.

"Bring me Tala,"

"Grandma, we been through this, were not do anything the children. Stevens and me are into a religion," Her grandmother's face looked at her confused.

"I would never. I'd give every single one of my great grandkids money, it her turn bring her fourth," Tala was already be her mother's side. Connie brought Tala closer, "Hello child,"

"Hello," Tala resopned and got closer to her mother. Connie's grandmother laughed. Connie grabned her daughter and smiled. Her grandma moved on with next grandchildren kids.

"Connie love," Connie turned to her sister and smiled.

"There you are," Connie hugged her sister. Tala looked at her aunt head and looked at her confused.



"What's on her her forehead?" Connie smiled.

"It means she married hunny,"

"Why don't you have one?"

"Tala hunny let's talk about that later," Tala nodded and ran off.

"What does Tala mean?"

"It's a type of star I think, why?"

"Just wondering," Steven sat in the car with Connie. Connie had no idea what was going on but something happened between Steven and her family.

Whelp. There we go.

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