Mystery Gift

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With no idea on how it got on their porch Garnet and Pearl were left to wonder. Was it another one of Steven doing. Did he some how mange to grab Garnets credit card? Whatever it was Pearl didn't want to look or touch it.

"Can I please open it?" Steven whined out as he clung to his mothers leg.

Pearl struggled to get the basket of clothing to the kitchen island where she would fold everything. "No Steven. With me having no idea who it's from or where it come you won't be seeing it,"

Steven groans and hits his head against her leg. When the house phone went off he shot up and stumbled over his feet as he saw the caller was his mother. When he picked up and smiled. "Mom!"

"Hey buddy! Did you get the package?"

Steven eyes went into stars as he looked at Pearl. "Facetime Pearls number! I'll open on call," He heard her sighs and hang up. Pearl handed him her phone. "The package is from Mama!"

Rose quarzts was Steven other mother. Pearl ex wife. But that's all in the past She had Garnet now and that's all she needed. "Hey Baby, how's life?"

Steven smiled at his mother and snatches the box from the living room, "Awesome! Mommy and Garnet finally moved into the beach house!" Steven watched his mother smile drop but he ignored it and opened the package.

Rose returned her smile and watched Steven eyes open with excitement. "Thank you! Thank you!" Steven held the limited edition blanket close to him.

"Your welcome, and Steven," Steven looked at him mother and smiled, "If they hurt you any way you can always come live with me, Okay?"

"But mommy and Garnet wouldn't hurt me," Rose sighs and watched the phone move, Garnet came into view.



"I don't like the things you are telling Steven. Will see you Saturday," Garnet hung up and stuck the phone in her pocket. "Go give the blanket to Pearl so she can dry it,"

With that Steven ran to his mother and handed her the blanket.

I actually like the Au's where Pearl and Rose are the mother's of Steven, but Rose and Pearl aren't togther, so it causes problems.

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