~Revenge on Steven~

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"His friend, the pink one had stolen my best ship," Emerald called out to the two gems.

Aquamarine gave her a look and sighed. "The dumb boy had nearly got me shattered!"

Holly blue laughed, "That's why we're here my friends," she looked over them and smiled.

Emerald shook her head, "We can't do anything unless we wnat to be shattered. He's a diamond!"

Holly blue smiled. "Then we just have to get him to come to us," Emerald looked at her.

"What are you saying?"

"I get him to come to the human zoo and then we attack," She smirked.

"My diamonds. I request Pink di- Stevens presents himself," Holly spoke out. "I would like to discuss proper cleaning of the humans,"

Blue smiled widen, "Good thinking Holly. Will send Steven," Yellow had ended the call.

It didn't take him long to wrap in. "Holly! White said you wanted to talk?"

Holly smiled and nodded. "This way diamond," She lead her diamond to the room where the humans were place. "They've been put of place recently," She opened the door and followed him in. She closed the door quickly and pushed him down. "I'm sorry diamond,"

Aquamarine had grabbed her wand and froze him. She laughed at him trying to wiggle his way out. "Its our turn to give back,"

Emerald came and summoned her weapon. A spear type things. Kinda like Pearls but looked deadlier. He froze. He knew he something was up. He had completely forgot he had let the human free as his seconded wish.

Aquamarine sighed and frowns. "Can I throw him on gem or something?" Holly smiled and nodded.

"It would make our lives better so please do," Aquamarine smiled and flicked her wand down.

Steven hit the floor with a crack. The sound of a gem breaking was a satisfying sound to the three. Steven stared to cough up blood. The pain from his gem hurting a lot more then he liked.

Holly pushed him so he was looking at her. She smiled and drove her boot into his gem. The cracks getting bigger with very push of her shoe.

When the gem shattered, they smiled pleased with what was going on.

Steven cringed at the sound of it. He knew at this point he only had a bit to live due to the gem taking up most of his human organs...The ones he really needs...that saying, he laid on the cold hard floor as the three gems laughed and talked.

If only he had the chance to tell Connie that he loved her.

This is so bad. I'm sorry. Requested by: Rugratsfan10.

Requests or prompts?~~~~~~~

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