~Pride~ Lapis X Peridot (Hint of Opal)

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"Lapis! Peridot! Will you go to pride with Connie and me?" Steven called out. Connie and him skipped through the barn door.

Lapis jumped from her spot on the couch. "Steven!" She flew down and hugged him.

"Lapis!" He smiled and hugged back. He pulled away and looked up at her. "Will you take us to pride? The gems are to buys and we want to go as Stovinne,"

Lapis looked over at Peridot who was completely engulfed in her task. "Peridot!" She screamed. The smaller gem jumped and fell out of her chair.

"Oh God! Lapis!" Peridot looked over at Laspi and groans.

"Your fine. You're a gem," Lapis turned to Steven and Connie. "They want to go to pride as Stovinne. Are we going or nah?" 

Peridot smiled and scrambled over to them. "Of course we are!" She made her way to the back of the barn and took off the flags that Steven had given them last year. She gave one to Lapis and the two followed Stovinne to the wrappad.

When they made it to two the place was covered in rainbows and different colored flags. "Ooo~ I can't wait!" Stovinne smiled and danced around. Their shirt saying something about intersex, they also had the intersex flag wrapped around their neck.

Lapis and Peridot followed the fusion around for a bit. But when they came to a conner they saw some protesters. "Pick a gender!" One yelled at Stovinne, the fusion frowned and stopped their dancing.

"Are you a boy or girl?" Another one yelled.

"You'll go to hell for this!" A man yelled.

"It's my body!" Stovinne yells. Their face swelling with tears.

"God only made male or female!"

"Fuck off!" Stovinne said walking off.

Lapis stared in shock and grabbed her phone calling Pearl. "Hello, this Pearl,"

"Umm, Pearl are busy?"

"No. Why what's up?"

Lapis bit her lip as followed the fusion to a table. "So we went to the town pride with Stovinne."


"Yes. We came to a conner and meet some protests, they were saying some pretty bad things and pissed them off, so where sitting near the food area,"

Pearl sighs, "I told them, they shouldn't go. Amethyst, Garnet, and I will be there soon. Keep them away from the people,"

Lapis hung up and looked over at Stovinne. They were frowning and talking to themself. Peridot was occupied with her tablet. Lapis sighs and grabs Stovinnes hands. "Stovinne?"

"Yes?" They asked kinda pissed off.

"The gems will be here soon," Stovinne eyes kinda light up and they smiled again.

"Yay! Bonding time!" Lapis could tell that was Steven. They weren't a prefect fusion yet, but aren't to far to be coming one.

Just in time the gems had arrived. Garnet was decked out showing her pride. Pearl rushed to the table and greeted eveyone.

Garnet Stared at the group of people. "Beging gay is a sin!" Garnet lost it when she heard that, she began beating up some people. No one did anything considering they knew she was gem.

Stovinne gasped and stood up to stop her. Pearl stopped them and pushed them away. "Let's head home, it's better you not see this,"

They pushed against Pearl. "She's going to kill them!"

Pearl bit her lip and pushed harder. "No she won't. She'll just hurt them," Pearl was struggling and called Ameythst to help her.

When Ameythst came over she fused with Pearl. Opal stood there and picked up the fusion. Stovinne thrashed around trying to get out of the 4 hand fusion. "Opal! Opal!" They yelled.

Opal kept walking. She remembered what was going and walked the fusion to the other side of the park. Lapis watched Garnet contuine to hit the group. Peridot was looking at things being sold.

Garnet smiled and walked over to the two as the group walked off.  Peridot smiled at the fusion. Then picked something up and showed it to her. "Would Stovinne like this?" Garnet adjusted her shades and nodded. The small gem eyes widen and smiled. "Future vision,"

"Garnet! Did you kill anyone?" Steven yelled out. He was being chased by Connie and Pearl.

"Steven!" Connie yelled out.

Garnet picked up Steven. "I only hurt them bud,"

Steven sighs and hugs her. Garnet smiled, "Let's walk around maybe we can find somethings for the house,"

"Come on Connie!" Steven smiled and walked off Garnet.

Pearl looked at Amethyst and sighs, "we're going to look around,"

Lapsi nodded and looked over at Peridot. "Look Lapsi! Isn't it beautiful?" It was a necklace that had two parts.

Lapis smiled at her lover and nodded. "It's wonderful," she handed the smaller one money and walked around with her.

"Thank you again guys," Pearl smiled. She was watching closely as Garnet picked up the two sleeping children.

"Anytime!" Lapis smiled.

Peridot handed them something. "Give this to Connie and Steven when they wake up!" She smiled and rushed to Lapiss side. "Bye!" She waved as they walked off.

Lapis turned to her lover and the two walked home. "I had fun,"

"Me too!" Peridot smiled and jumped into the hammock. Lapis following and holding her close. "I love you,"

Lapis kissed her. "I love you just as much,"

This was a prompt from _Rashima_. I kind of messed around with it. This one's a lot shorter than the rest of my because like I didn't know how to like write it I guess but it's good I guess. If there's anything I can improve on let me know. If nothing sounds right let me know. I take requests any ship will go. I hope you have a wonderful day, don't forget I post every single day and I have a story out that I post daily on.

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