Battery Operated

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Staring form today to the 11th next month I'll be doing this challenge thing. I will stay take requests! For a month or so you'll be getting two updates. (If I haven't done your requests please put it here so I can get to It!)

teven looked over the fake Pearl. Her body kind blurry from his tears. Pearl looked at Steven and smiled. "I'm okay. Everything will be okay,"

With a could of white she was gone. Her gem made a clash sound with the floor as Steven hurried to get the gem. "Do you wish to engage in combat?" Steven looked back at the Pearl before to warp back home. When he got home he clung to Garnet like his life depend on it.

Garnet hands rubbed the boys back softly as she looked at the gem in his hand. "Oh Steven,"

"How long will she take?" He didn't care about how he felt, He cared about his mother figure coming back so she'll read him to sleep, or to tell him that his shoes are on wrong. He just wanted his Pearl back.

Garnet sighs and cleans the boys face, she looked back at the wrap. "We have to bring the other Pearl back," She gave Pearls gem to Steven as she walked to the pad. "Ill be back, stay inside please,"

Steven nodded through his tears and ran up to his bedroom. He layed her gem on the bed and laid next to it. He feel asleep. When he woke up he noticed that the other Pearl was in the room. "Do you wish to engage in combat?"

"No!" He yelled throwing something at the Pearl. "Shut up!"

"Do you wish to engage in combat?" It asked again.

Steven stood up angrily and hit it with his hands. "Shut up! Your not Pearl!"

"To deactivate please take out batteries,"

Steven looked up at the Pearl and hurried to get it to turn off. When he took out the batteries and he smiled. "Haha! I win!" He put the batteries in his junk draw and turned to his bed room again.

There's the first one!

Steven Universe One shots Where stories live. Discover now