Defected ~Ruby~

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"I heard she was thrown into the celler for disobeying Yellow," A Sapphire whispered to another. The one talking had her gem on her chest, the other one having it on her face.

"I heard she tried shatter her Sapphire," But that wasn't true. None of it was. She was just cought off garud and watched another Ruby shatter.

"What does it matter? She's just another lowlife, helpless, horrible Ruby," This Sapphires gems was on her stomach. She turned to her Ruby's and smiled. "Come Ruby's," She walked over laughing.

Ruby frowns. Nothing that came from the talk was true. She never disobeyed Yellow,  heck she never met Yellow. Her Sapphire is still alive and beautiful as always. The only true thing shes just another Ruby. Nothing special.

Ruby was sitting on a bench outside her Sapphires room. Tears were runing down her face as she clutched her head. The words always got to her.

"Ruby?" Sapphire heard the cries.

"My Sapphire!" She jumped to her feet and saluted.

"Ah yes Ruby," Sapphire smiled and looked behind her. Sapphire walked her way down the long hair sighing. "We must meet Holly," Ruby followed her from behind nodding.

"Yes Sapphire," Ruby walked trying her best to ignore the voices of Pearls, Rubies, Jades, Sapphires, and Lapiss.

Ruby stood by Sapphire awaiting her next order. "She just another defected Ruby!" Someone had yelled. Eveyone in the room turned twords a Sapphire and a Ruby.

Sapphire calmly approached the gems smiling. "Sapphire,"

"Sapphire," The two bowed to each other as the Rubys stood and nodded.

Sapphire looks at her Ruby and sighs."Where you talking about my Ruby?"

The other Sapphires eye widens as she shakes her head. "No my Sapphire,"

Sapphire smirks and looks back. She had an advantage when it came to arguments. She was Blues head Sapphire. "I reassure you that my Ruby is always at her top game," Sapphire turned sharply. "I'd watch your Ruby's back," Sapphire walks off. Ruby trailing behind. She caught up when Sapphire signaled her closer.

"Thank you, Sapphire,"

"My pleaserure," Sapphire looked at the Ruby and smiled. "Your not defective. You are perfect,"


Sooner a lot of these will be based from SUF so make sure you have seen the episodes! They air every Saturday at 8pm. Where I live it was 7. It just depends where you live. I don't know where this one shot idea came from? I saw a picture of Ruby yelling at cheese and then this came. Anyway it's short, kinda cute, and don't know what I'm doing with my life?

Prompts or requests?~~~~~~~

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