Phantom Love

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*Spoiler and Warning (cutting)*

"Step inside the life of the man weak enough to follow you"

Steven walked behind Connie, the two talking about the ending of a series they just read. "But she was so cute for her!"

Steven laughed and shook his head, "I think Amara and Verena were better. Adley was to toxic for Amara. I should know. One of my guardians are made of Love,"

Connie laughed and shook her head. "Of course you thought that," She looked over at him. "Lets head back," Steven smiled at his friend and followed her back to the beach house.

"Bury all the strife of the heart that you have hollowed through, Bury our love far, far away from this, So you can become one with the walls again,"

The flames flickered off his face as he looked at the fire. He watched Connie's pictures crumble and crack as the fire deformed  their face. A picture of Stovinne still in his hand.

He threw the photo in the fire. Sighing he turned. All her clothes were put in a box off to the side. He kicked it, his facing slowly turning pink. "No!" He shook his head quickly the pink fading. "Stupid love!" He picked up the box and threw it in the hole he had dug earlier.

Steven watched from a far. Connie laughed and smiled at her new lover. The feeling of jealous washed over him. It was suppose to be him kissing her, showing her he cared. To pulled her close and wrap his arms around him. Not some stupid fuck boy! Connie giggled and fell into her lovers embrace more.

"Scream for your father, Go a little farther, Cut a little harder, But our fates are inked in pen,"

Connie watched her mother walk out the door. She was alone. No one to cuddle, no one to talk to. Jeff was part of the school play so he wasn't there. Her and Steven haven't talked since Monday. Her father was at the boardwalk.

Connie walked around the home slowly. Thoughts of Steven slowly filled her mind. His beautiful brown eyes as they looked back at hers. His fluffy hair slowly moving with wind on their night walks. His love for her so strong, and she threw it all away. Down the drain like her mother fancy wine.

She found herself in the kitchen. Her knuckles a white color as she gripped the knife. She was screaming. She couldn't stop. "Father!" Her voice was sore but she contuined,  falling to her knees. "Father!" The blade sliced against her forearm. Blood stained the knife and the beautiful white floor. She cried out, curling against herself. No one was there to save her. No one.

When she woke up again, she was surprised. When her eye opened she saw the ceiling she knew all to well. She slowly brought her arm to her face. Nothing on her forearm. No bruises, no scars. "Connie," She heard a voice. When she looked over she saw a face she didn't. She scooted against the wall. Steven looked at her concerned before frowning.  "I'm sorry,"

"Why am I here?" She said. It sounded muffled from her position.

"Lion brought you," He smiled. She mentally frowned and then looked away. "I guess we were just ment to be!"

She turned her body completely, "I'm with Jeff Steven,"

"I know I ju-"

"You just, nothing!" She stood and grabbed her bag. "Please stop helping me," She ran out the room and to the beach. Getting as far as she could.

"That was then, And this is the end of, This phantom love,"

Steven held Connie close to him. Her sleeping form was just so peaceful to him. The sounds of the waves washing to the shore drew Steven into a deeper sleep. When he awoke the next morning she was gone. Not a trace to be seen. But that was weeks ago.

"I just don't like you anymore Steven," Connie mubbled and looked away from the heartbroken boys eyes.

"Was it my problems? I knew I shouldn't have involved you in any of this!" He slammed his hands against the table and she cringed.

"It ain't that Steven! I love being with you and the gems. I guess I just feel out of love,"

Steven frowns, and watched her leave. She didn't even bother looking back at him. He felt broken. He felt hands on his shoulders. He looked back. Garnet stood above him and opened her arms. He cried into her chest. She sighed and held him closer. "She'll come around," but she really didn't know if Connie actually would.

"Untied and severed, I was never the one. Is this what you call forever, Made me promise I would never break your heart. How was I to know that's what you wanted from the start?"

"Promise me Steven. Promise you'll never leave me. Promise you'll love me forever," Connie whispered into the dark night. Steven turned to look at her. He smiled his big smile.

"I promise Connie," He kissed her and the two cuddled closer.

"Juts say it Steven! Just say you hate!" Connie laughed and smiled.

"I don't,"

"Say I'm a freak! Say It!" She yelled as tears fell down her face.

Steven looked at her concerned. "I made a promise I would never break your heart!" He cried out.

She sighed, "I've wanted you to break that promise since the beginning. Please Steven,"

He frowned and walked off. He didn't want to. He was taught better.

"Step inside the life of the girl that can do no wrong"

"How could my daughter have done this?" Connie's mom yelled. Pearl stood between the angry mother and Steven. "She's only 15,"

"Connie did steal. We've watcher with our own eyes. Look over the cameras," Pearl responded.

"I knew this Steven kid was bad. Come on Connie let's go. These so called gems don't seem to know you don't do anything wrong," Connie smriks as she walked with her mother away from the small group.

Steven looked down taking the disappointment from Pearl and Garnet.

"Her hands clasped 'round the knife she uses to carve her sad songs"

With the knife tightly held in her hand she watched the blood run down her skin into the shower drain. She smiled softly, the blade reflecting the light. She smiled softly as the blade made contact with her thighs. Her arms severely injured from precious cuts.

"Wash your hands 'til the sinks stain red, And I'm outta your head"

Connie angrily washed her hands. Her blood still dripping onto the skin. Almost staining it. She sighs. "Stupid Steven. Stupid boys, his stupid eyes!" She countied to scrub and finally smiled when her head was at peace.

"Just remember what I said, We decided to just ignore
Just can't cut it anymore"

But Stevens words still hunted her, she wasn't free. She wasn't herself. When was she ever?

Then it echoed. His last words before he left. Before she left him for good. "Just remember that I loved you more"

I just love his album! 'Phantom love' By Zach Callison. Album is: 'A picture perfect Hollywood breakup,"

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