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Can you do one a sequel where Holly Blue and Aquamarine betray Emerald and leave her to be shattered by the other 3 Diamonds

The communication lit up. Little home world had stopped. Everyone looking at the communication call or a local T.V.

Yellow was sitting on her seat comforting Blue who was crying. "My gems and humans. We have some bad news," She straightened up a it before sighing. "Steven Universe," The crystal gems watched the hologram closely at the sound of their baby boys name. "Has been found...dead and shattered."

Pearl clung to Garnet and cried into the fusions chest. Amethyst was frozen, lost. She lost her best friend. Connie was broken. Her husband was dead. Lapis and Peridot were lost as well, they lost the person who showed them what earth was like.

"If you have any information on the killing. Please find the Pealrs or us," Yellow looked away. "Goodbye Steven, may you always be in our hearts," The yellow device went back to diamond shape as it grew quiet.
It was months before someone spoke up. It was Aquamarine who had decided to say something.

"Yellow! I know who did it!" The tiny blue gem yelled. She made her way through the crowd of gems and smiled at her former diamond.

"Please do tell," Blue cried out.

"It was Emerald cut 3mx67, my dimonds?" She questioned. She really didn't understand the whole new era thing.

"Was it really?" Yellow looked her over. Yellow was holding on to Blue as they sat in her chair.


Yellow looked at Yellow Pearl. "Please get me Emerald cut 3mx67,"

The Pearls dragged in Cut 3mx67. "Here you are,"

The Emarld cut looked at her diamonds in fear. "Please forgive me my diamonds!"

Yellow glared at her. "You have bought sadness through the whole world. We lost our beloved Steven, He had a daughter!" Yellow rose her hand a yellowish light lit the room. Blue cried out more.

Some gems began walking around picking up the green pieces.
Aquamarine was kinda sacred. That could have been here. She was quiet surprised she even lived after she brought him to the trial. She hurried her way out before anyone could get confused to why she was still there.

When she walked out the door she was greeted by Holly. The two hurried away from the build. "Poor girl," Holly laughed and smiled. "She didn't even see it coming," They turned a corner. "And even on live camera,"

Aquamarine sighs and contuined to fly around till they were safe. "Keep your mouth shut! She'll find out it's us after she cheeks his body, and she gets off her ass," She stopped and looked at Holly. "Just shut up and follow me,"

This is short :(. Have you seen SUF? I cried a lot. They played the movie before and I always cry during Finale. It just sad to think about how far he really has come. Unpopular opinion: Spinel sucks as character. (I'm not hating on her actor or anyone. I just don't like her as much as eveyone. Her actor is awesome through!) But like after watching the movie for the fourth time I kinda have a soft spot 🙃.

Requested by: Rugratsfan101

Requests or Prompts?~~~~~~

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