Yellow Diamond x Yellow Pearl

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Yellow Pearl will be called Pearl. Yellow Will be Yellow.

Yellow was the CEO of the diamond clothing line. Her daughter Pink had passed away little over a week ago. She was killed. No one knew how it happened they just knew that it put so much stress on Yellow. First her wife, who died during child brith and now her daughter.

"Pearl please send the Cystal clothing line an invite to a meeting. I would like to collaborate,"

"Yes my Diamond," She watched Pearl run off. Yellow sighed and hit her head against her desk.

The picture of her little family moved and fell. She took it in her hand and threw it across the room. She wasn't happy about any of this.

Pearl came rushing back and to her side. "They said they would love to," Without thinking she kissed her bosses cheek and smiled.

Yellow felt her cheek and smiled. "Thank you Pearl,"

Pearl smiled and nodded, before taking her spot next to her again.

This one is really short. I'm sorry but it felt right to make this just a little dabble. Requested by: agemforlife.

Requests or prompts?~~~~~~

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