Connvember Pt.1

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1: Autumn

Steven watched the colorful leaves fall to the ground. At the moment him and Connie were inside watching the leaves fall slowly. They really wanted to go outside but it was raining.

Connie wasn't to happy about it, she really wanted to go the local pumpkin patch with Steven. She really wanted to spend this season with him and not out of town.

Without Connie noticing it had stopped raining and Steven was trying to get her to go. She stood on her feet and followed the happy teenager outside. It didn't rain hard so the ground wasn't as wet as she thought it would be.

"Come on Connie!" Steven had his hand outstretched to her and pulled her up onto lion. She wrapped her arms around him as lion ran into a portal.

The two came to stop at the pumpkin patch. Kids were runing and laughing, Parnets chasing after them or just talking. It's seemed like it only rained in Beach City, so Sun Town didn't have any traces of water.

Steven got done and helped Connie. "Lets gets pumpkins last," he put Connie down and looked around. "Let's go play in the corn,"

Connie couldn't have helped but laugh at the child like teen. She followed him, wrapping his jacket around her tighter. Last week while hanging out she had accidentally took his jacket. She tried to give back to him, but he said he had grown out of it and let her have it. It wasn't hard to believe he did grow over the years, but hard to believe cause it didn't fit Connie and she was about his height and everything.

Connie watched him play around at the pumpkin patch. Happy to just be with him and see him happy. Before the two left Steven was determined to get a big pumpkin.

They sat on the little wagon thing that followed behind a big tractor. Connie looked around as the beautiful fall colors ran by. Steven was holding her hand, scared she might fall if the tractor didn't slowly down. When it came to a stop Steven smiled at the wonderful rows of pumpkins.

He flew up to find the perfect ones. Parents and children watched in awe. Some of the kids wishing they could do that. Connie laughed and walked off to find a small one. She wasn't to big about the upcoming holiday anyway.

When they meet at the tractor again Connie was surprised he had managed to bring it back. She sat with her tiny pumpkin and held Stevens hand. She's never enjoyed such a memory with anyone.

2: Nap


Connie looked at the wrappad, hoping that Steven would appear when he had said. Yes he was a ruler of space and all, but she wished he had a little more time for her. As Connie was about to head inside the house for a drink, the pad had made a sound meaning someone was here.

When she looked up Steven was smiling at her. He ran and hugged her spinning her around and kissing her. "Connie!"

"Steven!" Her cheeks heat up from the kiss as she was placed on her feet. She wrapped her arms around the taller man. "I hope you know your late," she whispered.

Steven frowned and shook his head, "The diamonds wouldn't let me leave. It took a lot more effort then needed," He playfully put all his weight on Connie and groans. "I thought I was going to die,"

Connie laughed and pulled him up. "I have time before I have to go home," She grabbed his hand and lead him to the house. She walked in, slipping her shoes off and throwing her (Stevens) jacket to the side. Steven followd suit and then flopped on the bed.

Connie laid next to him and smiled. "I need a nap," Steven smiled. He pulled Connie to him and kissed her again. "Good night,"

Connie laughed and ran her hands through his hair. "Goodnight dork," She cuddled closer to him and smiled.

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