This is the end

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"Yes Pearl, I'll call you every week," Steven hugged his guardian and smiled. "Ill come for the holidays. I just need this,"

Pearl held back tears as she hugged him back. "Will always be here. If you want to come home that's perfectly fine,"

"Yes mother,"

"You two haven't been sexually active?" The doctor questioned the young lady.

"Uh? What!? No!" Connie shook her head in disbelief. "We said, we would wait,"

Her mother sighed and hugged her daughter. "Just be safe,"

"Will do. I love you,"

"Love you two,"

The two teens waved to the family as they got in Stevens car. Connie having tears in her eyes. She knew she needed this, he knew they needed this.

The stars light up the night sky as the two sat on the car. Steven quietly working on the new song he was writting. Connie was leaning against him and humming along.

After a bit he found Connie asleep on his shoulder. He picked her with no problem. He put in the back and stared up the car, driving the other hour that night.

They made to the small town at around 3 in the morning. Connie and him pasted out in the back holding eachother.

They need breaks, both did. It didn't matter how they Just needed to be togther and way from gems.

It's been a while. I'm sorry. I just don't like the way I write.

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