Forgetting - Oapl x Garnet

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Requested by Annabel184

"Okay, She left me with one job," The tall woman said to herself. "Wait what was It?" She looked around before her eyes settled on her daughter. "Yes, it was watching you!"

Alex looked up at her mother with spit runing down her face. "Bahalah," She spoke out. Opal picked her and held her close.

"Okay Alex, let's see," She placed the child back down and grabbed the play mat from the under the stairs. "I'm going to lay you here while I go make breakfast for Steven," Alex babbled to herself and laughed as she mother sat her down on the soft blanket.

Steven came down and laid on the floor near her sister. Alex crawled to him and tangled her hand in his hair pulling as tight as she could. "Oww!" He cried out pulling her hand out. "Don't do that Alex!" The child began crying. The cries hurting both Alex and Opals ears.

"Oh dear," Opal hurried from the kitchen and picked her up. "Steven, honey. You go eat breakfast, I need to calm down Alex,"

Steven rushed to get his food. Alex cried out more. "Shhhh. Mommy's here," She walked around bouncing the child as she did.  The baby laughed and pulled at her mother side ponytails.

"Mom! I need syrup!" Steven yelled with a smile.

Opal made her way to her son and put the syrup on his plate. She sat Alex in her chair and kissed her head. "Oof, next time Garnet can watch you guys,"

Steven laughed, Alex just spat everywhere.

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