The First Battle Leaving The Guardians

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"We are the Guardians. I am North." The big man said, "The blond there is Sandy, but he is mute. That one over there," North said pointing at the bunny man, "is Bunny and I believe that you already know Tooth?"

I nodded and he continued, "We are secret spies working for the Government and we want you to join us."

I stare at him in shock. I had heard of the Guardians, but I never wanted to become one, "I think you have the wrong guy. You are serious and deadlines, whereas I'm snowballs and fun time."

"Jack, I don't think you understand exactly what we do. We help protect people around the world from the darkness. Out main threat is Pitch Black." Tooth told me.

I knew that name. Pitch Black. Where did I know that name ?

"Jack, please fight with us." They pleaded.

"Guys, do we seriously need him?" Bunny asked.

"Manny told me Bunny." North replied.

"Yeah kangaroo, listen to Santa over there." I joked.

North shook his head while Bunny walked up to me, "I am NOT a kangaroo mate." I had to chuckle at that. Did he really expect me to believe him? He had an Australian accent. I started to laugh again.

"Yeah sure." I told him, "any way, why would you want me to be a Guardian?"

"I saw what you did for Mavis remember?" Tooth told me.

Flash Back


I was about to say something, but a kid with short black hair walked in. She had pale skin and when she saw blondie here without a teacher, she looked terrified. She was about to run out of the class room when the blond girl took a tight grip on her arm and started punching her face.

"I got something to deal with right now, I will finish you off later." The blond girl said before giving another punch.

I stood in front of the poor girl who was being pummeled, "MOVE!" The blond one screamed.

"Punzie, he aint worth it!" The red hed shouted.


This girl, wow!


End Of Flash Back

I sighed at them. I guess they were right, "sure, fine. But I don't want to hurt anyone. I refuse to kill." I told them bluntly.

"That's fine. But you might have to, to survive." North told me sadly.

I walked out the door, but I heard North shout, "JACK, WE NEED YOU!!!!" Tooth screamed.

I flew? Into the Guardian's hideout once more and saw a man attacking, he was comanding an army. That was when the lights went out.

I used my staff to create an ice light and saw the Guardians looking confused of everything. Also, I saw Pitch's minions, (Nightmares) attacking. I froze a thousand Nightmares at a time and saw Pitch making a move to leave. I stopped him, but he kept talking to me.

"Oh Jack, you don't remember your father can you?" He stared to say, "don't remember his name, don't remember his voice or even his face. Probably never going to see him again."

He was tapping into my deepest fears, "I know you more than anyone else, I know even more fears. You feel you are the only one with this power. You feel alone. Jack you are alone!"

I charged at him, "Oh Jack, join me, become one with the darkness."

"NO JACK!" The Guardians screamed.

"Or say goodbye to baby Tooth."

Baby Tooth was Tooth's pet. Was she really worth the darkness.

"I will not join the darkness, but let her go!" I demanded.

"The staff Jack!  Then I'll let her go."

Without my staff, my powers will weaken. I learnt that a few years ago when my mum grounded me and took my staff. That way, I couldn't freeze my way out of my room.

I gave him my staff and he let go of Baby Tooth, but he broke my staff.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed and clutched my chest. He then used black sand and pushed me to the ground where I fell unconsious. However, when he broke the staff, the ice powers that were reliased hit him. 

When he was hit, all of the Nightmares dissapeared, Pitch was screaming, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! SOONER OR LATER, YOU WILL PAY!"

And pay I did. He took away the love of my life. (A/N Remember the end to the warm cold chappie?)

Soon I blacked out.

????/?? Hours later


I woke up and saw that I was surrounded by the Guardians.

"What happened? I asked them.

"He broke your staff and you blacked out. But you also saved us all. When he was struck with the ice, all the Nightmares dissapeared. Pitch was powerless. He ran away." Tooth explained.

"I don't want to do this, I changed my mine." I told them and stormed off before they had a chance to stop me.

A few days later, Tooth dropped out of school and I didn't hear anything more of The Guardians. Only on the news. I would only go to them if it was nessercary. There was no reason for me to go. Yet.

A/N Hi guys, I finished this chapter. I know, I could do better, but I hope you guys did enjoy this chapter and I really appreciate you reading my book. I know that this might not be as good as the warm cold, but I really hope that you like this book and I will try to make the next chapter even better.


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