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It had been a few weeks since the attack on Emma's school. Everything seemed normal, except in my dreams. I had the same dream every night. The same people, the same voices, the same plot. I was tossing and turning in my bed having the dream once more.



I was in the empty room with nothing to see and with no where to move. I couldn't move. It was pitch black in the room and the air was thin. That was, until the light came. Pitch was there, as was Manny and Elsa. She was in the middle of them being pulled to one side to the other. Bright light wanted to pull her to Manny, but black sand wanted to pull her to Pitch.

"Pitch, this is our war, not Elsa's! Please let her go. For your son." Manny pleaded.

My father just laughed, "She took my son away from me, plus I need her power. I want my son back. I want her power. She also has enough fear to help me rule the world. I need her brother."

Brother? Pitch never said that before. This was changing. I began to get anxious. Wait wait wait....... Manny is my uncle? Why am I getting this information now?!?!?!?!

"Yes Jack, Manny is my brother. He is your uncle." How many more family surprises do I need? First my worst enemy is my father, now Manny is my uncle, what next, Emma is my actual sister?

Suddenly, the light and the dark clashed together making me collapse and Elsa disappear as well as a clod appeared, this was normal I would usually wake up now, but now, Manny started to talk through the cloud of smoke.

"Her heart is yours forever to keep

Go to the place where she sleeps

The place of the battle, the place of the war.

You will find, what you're looking for."

Then I woke up


I gasped for air as I jumped from my bed clutching my fast beating heart. I gulped and ran to my door to check on Emma, but as I opened it, Emma was already there holding an ice teddy bear I made for her

"Hey Em, how are you?" I asked like a proper big brother. I may or may not be a little bit over protective of her now.

"Jack, I had a nightmare, can I sleep in you room please?" She asked.

I smiled at her, "of course Emma, come on. Do you wanna build a snowman?"

She looked up at me and nodded her head enthusiastically, I opened the door fully so she could make her way in. When she was in, I pointed my staff and made snow appear. I heard Emma giggle then a snowball hit me in my back. I turned and saw her whistling.

"You're gonna get it you little devil."

For the next 2 hours, we had a snowball fight until she fell asleep. I placed her on my bed and I sat on the chair in my room smiling to myself. Then I heard her mumbling.

"I hope you find someone to make you smile like you do now Jack."

I smiled at her.

"Oh Emma, I already have. Her name was Elsa."

My eye lids soon grew heavy and before I fell asleep, I swear I saw Elsa near Emma smiling at her, then at me.

My last concious thought before falling alseep.

"I love you Emma, I'll always be there for you. And so will Elsa."

The Guardian's Tale (Sequel to the warm cold.)Where stories live. Discover now