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I spent as much time as I could with Elsa, but something in my heart told me that this wasn't right. That this was wrong. But I had no control over my actions. I hurt people as Jack Black, and worse of all, my face showed that I enjoyed it. I enjoyed their pain. I even took off my watch, I couldn't even remember why it was so special.

I also saw Elsa, she looked happy and evil, but in her eyes, I saw pain. Like she was trying to fight. Usually my body tried to ignore this feeling, but I was getting stronger everyday. I could even see strands of my hair turning white.

I was in the middle of a dream, or should I say good nightmare when my father called me. He sounded angry.

"JACK!!! GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!!!" He shouted,I got up quickly and ran down to my father, but not before seeing Elsa tossing and turning on my couch. I half smiled, but my smile turned to a frown when I saw fear on her face and sweat trickling down her temples.

"Elsa?" I asked concerned, but she didn't wake up.

I used my dark powers combined with my frost powers to tap into her nightmare. Then I saw Elsa, the one I knew and a Elsa with white hair and a blue dress with my father and a man that was vaguely familiar to me, but I did not recognize. I saw Elsa struggling between herself and the other her.

The dark Elsa was trying to pull the light one to my father's side but the other man was using light to pull her to his side.

"Please let me go, I have to help Jack!" The light one shouted. She spoke my name with the voice I knew but don't remember hearing.

"No Elsa, my son is already with me. I have taken half of you, but I need all of you on my side to take control."

"I don't want to her anyone! Please, Jack doesn't this. Please!" She begged. But why does she care?  I don't know her, do I?

I felt a burning pain enter my head and saw my jumper turning a lighter blue, my hands turning a bit more tanned. I was changing?

I screamed in pain and that drew everyone's attentiion. Both Elsa's looked at me. The Elsa with dark hair was frowning evilly and the white haired one looked at me with a smile and hopeful eyes.

"Come back to me Jack." She whispered.

Suddenly, I snapped out of her dream and ran gasping heavily. Lots of images started to flow through my mind. A kiss, friends, a girl and a temptation that ruined something.

I ran back to my room and took out a mirror, my hair was half white and my eyes were blue, but everything else was the same.

"JACKSON FROST, COME TO MY OFFICE NOW!" Pitch shouted once more.

I went to check on Elsa one more time and saw the white haired stranger from her dream in her place passed out. I froze the door shut so I could question her later, but other than that, I arrived at my dad's office.

"Yes father?" I asked afraid. He was hardly angry at me.

"You are growing weak Jack, I have noticed you changing." He explained.

"What do I have to do to earn your loyalty father?" I frowned.

"Just destroy this location. That will do it."

I nodded and walked out of the office and went back to my room to prepare for the destruction, but I remembered the girl in the other room. I destroyed the ice and went inside to see her flickering and afriad.

"Who are you?" I asked anger forming on my face, "I swear if you have done anything to Elsa I will-"

"I am Elsa." She said shaking as she tried to stand. Her legs wobbled and before she hit the floor, I caught her and took her back to thee sofa. I looked at her eyes and saw someone that I remembered. I saw Elsa, but not dark, as light.

"If you really are Elsa, tell me something that only the real Elsa would know." I challenged.

She thought for a moment then spoke, "do you remember when you came to my bedroom before I met the Guardians and Anna sang?"

Strangly I did remember, that was one of the real memories that I felt, something kept that there. So I nodded. Then she began to sing. The exact words I remembered.

"Elsa, please, I know you're in there, people have asking where you've been (on the laptop,)

They say have courage,

and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you, just let me in.

We only have each other, it's just you and me, what are we gonna do?

Do you wanna build a snow man?"

There were tears in her eyes when she finished as well as mine. I pulled her into a hig until she spoke again, "Jack, your hair is white!"

I looked into a mirror and saw my hair, but my eyes were gold again. I gulped and held Elsa close to me, a piece of paper fell out of my pocket. Elsa read it and had a loook of pure and utter shock on her face.

"Jack do you know where this is?" She asked scared. Snowflakes started to fall.

"It's okay Snowflake, tell me."

She gulped, "this is your sister's school. This is Emma's school."

The Guardian's Tale (Sequel to the warm cold.)Where stories live. Discover now