To protect

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I was making my way to my next class, (which I had no idea what it was,) when....

"Hey Jack." I heard in a sickly, girly voice. I turned and it was Punzie. I sighed in relief, at least she wouldn't try to flirt with me. Oh wait, it's Punzie.

I didn't want to hear her flirt with me. I was already beating myself up about Elsa and I really didn't want Punzie trying to talk me into doing it again.

I pulled a fake smile and looked at her, "yes Punzie?" I asked annoyingly. I just wanted to get, wait... (looks at watch) lesson 5 oh, Science, damn it!

"I just wanted to tell you that me and the gang are gonna get Elsa after school. Wanna come?"

I sighed inside my head. I knew I shouldv'e said no, but I couldn't, I had a reputation to save, I couldn't let a girl get in the way,  "okay Punzie. But I got Science." I said hoping she would go away. 

"I got science too. Let's go." She said excitedly linking arms with me. Girls couldn't give her death glares, they were too afraid of her. 

We were the only one's in the many empty hallways until we got to room S12. Science block, floor 1 room 2. Classes had already started and as usual, we were late. As I walked in, I saw girls caking their faces with make up. All but one. I hid my smirk. Elsa.

"Ah, Mr Frost, Miss Cornoa, thank you for finally showing up to class. Now please take your seats." Miss Bnwarmly welcomed us. (Looks like Jack loves sarcasim.)

Be nice Jack.

What it actually happened.

I was about to take my seat, but Punzie, like all the other girls in the school (apart from Elsa), had other plans. She never was one to follow ruels. Like me, but at least I'm decent about it.

"Miss, since Melody moved and the seat next to Jack is empty, can I move there?" Punzie asked.

Oh yeah. Melody was the girl who left the school. She sat by me in all my lessons. Eceryone was jelous of either her or Punzie.

"No let me!" Many other girls screamed. I had a feeling I would go deaf.

"Enough!" Shouted Miss Belle making the whole room silent.

I rolled my eyes and looked around, my eyes landing on Elsa. I smirked at her while Punzie put her head down with disappointment and sat with Hic and Mer. They were glaring at Elsa. If looks could kill, the other Royals would be put away for life.

I don't know why, but my heart was beating so fast that it could break my chest open, but Miss B's next words made my smirk grow into a smile.

"Elsa, please sit by Mr Frost."  She did as she was told. No arguments. No whining, just doing. I was curious. 

While Miss Belle was teaching and Elsa was taking notes, this time I introduced myself. Nicely. I think.

"Jack Frost by the way." I whispered quietly.

"I already know and frankly, I don't care." She answered. I stared at her in shcok. No one had ever talked to me like that before. Especially not a girl. But this one interested me. However, she angered me.

I frowned "What did you just say to me?"

"ANSWER ME!" I continued. This girl was just. Ahh!

She turned to me and used a fake smile. I eyed her suspiciously then she spoke, "You know you can't keep getting everything you want!" 

I was shocked at her response but was amused, then Miss Belle poke, "And Jack Frost and Elsa Snow."

I looked at our teacher confused, luckily I didn't have to say anything because Elsa asked the question I was looking for, "I'm sorry Miss, I don't understand."

Miss Belle looked at us confused then realised what we were on about.

"Oh, Mr Frost will be your partner for the rest of the school year. Your first project is to design a poster on any one of these four natural disasters:

Volcanic Eruption.



Or Hurricaines. You will have 2 weeks from now to complete this project."

I started to smile. A whole year being Elsa's science partner. This was going to be a great year. (Or so I thougt.)

Jack, LET THEM READ! (A/N He will never learn will he?)

"Well I guess we're gonna be spending more time together." I stated smugly.

She just scoffed while I waited for the bell to ring thinking about Elsa.

The bell rang and Elsa was one of the first people leaving the classroom. I stayed behind all thw others. If what Punzie told me was right, they  were gonna get to her soon. I had to follow her, but I didn't want her to know that.

"Listen, leave Jack alone! He's mine!" I heard a voice shout as I was about to turn a corner. It was Punzie.

Elsa mutterd something under her breath and obviously Punzie didn't like it.

"No I am not an idiot, but he likes you, so STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Punzie shouted. She kicked Elsa in the stomach and Elsa flew to the ground. But she didn't cry.

I don't like Elsa do I? I promised myself. But then again, promises were made to be broken. But what about the promise about protecting her? That would never be broken.

"Punzie enough!" I shouted.

She turned and stared at me in shock. She stopped tormenting Elsa (physically and mentally,) and started to grin like a mad women.

"Oh come on Jack, it's only a bit of fun." She told me. I eyed her carefully. I didn't know if I could fully trust her anymore.

"Fine, whatever!" was her oh so brilliant come back. She ran off and I looked down at Elsa pitifully. Then I realised, I don't want friends like that. I was one of them, but I decided I could change. I had to change.

Now as I am writing this, I saw myself as this and saw that I hated myself. I didn't want to be that. Then sfter Elsa, I made a turn for the worst. She made me better, but made me worse.

I wish I could've protected Elsa more. From the Royals and herself. I could've protected her more. If I knew something else was after her.

A/N Hi guys, thank you so much and sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was having kind of writers block and couldn't think of anything for the next chapter. Trust me, it's much harder for me trying to come up with half ideas that need to connect to the next chapter. But I was finally able to finish and I made this an extra long chapter to apolagize.

Any way, hope that you have enjoyed this book so far and I promise that it will get much better after Jack's story in the warm cold.

Well, thanks again for reading, next chapter will be out soon.


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