Mother Bear

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I started to pace the floor when Punzie told me where we were. This was pitch's playground.  His turf his rule.  I was rubbing my hands together trying to think, we still had the book.

"We still have the book. Can we do anything with that?" I asked them.

Hic shook his head, " sorry man, the book is a one way trip."

I sighed and began to think when Mer asked a question,  "how did we get here in the first place?"

"I don't know. I was thinking of Elsa, but when I saw hou being attacked, all I could think about was Pitch and his Nightmares. "

Mer looked annoyed,  Hiccup face palmed himself and Punzie went all diva mode,

"WHAT THE HELL JACK?!?!?! It's like the opposite of the snow globes. You think where you wanna go."

I began to pace once again afraid that I will never get a chance to see the others ever again, I'll never get to see the world again, I'll never get to see my sister again or-

That's when something caught my eye. A faint glimmer in the distance.  I got curious about this mysterious object and went to see what it was. I git closer and realized that it was a slab of gold with some writing on it. I wrapped it in an ice blanket and carried it back to my friends and Punzie.

"What ye got there Jack?" Mer asked.

I placed the golden slab down and showed them what it was. Hiccup looked at it with curiosity while the two girls looked bored.

"It says that to be free from Hell, we need to be fair to the mother bear. I think this means that we have a challenge a head. Be ready."

Just as he said that, a gigantic creature emerged from the fire and came running towards us. We got into our fighting positions. All of us, except one, Merida.

"Mer get here!" Hic ordered,  but she didn't go back, she went forward.

Slowly,  she put out her hand and continued to walk towards the creature who tool the appearance of a bear.

I was about to run after her, but a hand stopped me. Not Hic or Punzie, but Elsa. A ghostly Elsa. She smiled.

"Let her be. She can do this." Elsa promised. I nodded then she disappeared.

I put my attention back onto Merida and saw that she was rubbing the bear's head and not getting burnt. The bear growled and we all jumped back apart from the bear keeper Merida.

"She's wounded. " Mer explained., "I'll look after you." She whispered to the bear.

A white portal thing appeared before us. We were all abiut to step through, but the bear stopped us, "only three."

We all looked at each other afraid to lose one another except for one. Punzie. She began to shake her head until another person spoke up.

"I'll stay." Merida volunteerd.

"No Mer." Hiccup told her. But she was hearing none of it.

" I completed this task for you, that means the other tasks are for you three. Plus I promised mother bear I would look after her."

Me and Hiccup both nodded tears in our eyes as we passed the portal to travel to the next dimension.  There I had another dream.

The Dream
There was blood everywhere.  Fire burning bodies decaying, women crying, men shouting and children screaming.

I looked  around helpless since I could do nothing.

"Someone tell me what to do!!!!!" I screamed inside my head.

But no one told me anything.  All I could do was watch the world aroind me burn.

Suddenly,  there was a big pause in time. Everything froze apart from me. Or so I thought.

A figure came towards me. I pointed my staff at him/her until I saw that it was Elsa.

She looked frightened. Even when she saw me.

"Jack, I'm scared." She had said those words before and I told her she'd be alright. That I'd be there for her. But I didn't know what to say this time. After what I had just witnessed, I knew it wouldn't be alright.

"I'll bring you back Elsa. Then you don't have to be afraid. Then we can restore the balance. Restore faith."

She smiled,  " thank you for not lying to me. But beware the blonde.  Watch your back."

With that she disappeared leaving ne with my thoughts until I would wake up. Then I heard a laugh. Pitch.

"You may find her, but I will take her. You will come back to me."

Light started to spread across the nightmare. I knew I was wakig up.

End of dream

I saw Hiccup and Punzie lying on the floor. I also saw a white land scape and horizon with light spreaing everywhere.  That's when i knew where we were. Right now, we're in heaven.

A/N Thank you all so nuch for reading. I'm sorrybif there are more mistakes,  but I'm not used to using my phone for wattpad. Anyway, thank you so much for supporting my work and I am really happy for 23 followers, and I really hope you are enjoying this book.


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