Remember The Castle.

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I was shocked after what they had just said. An ice palace? When did Elsa get an ice palace? I started to pace up and down making Mer and Hic look at me with a mixture of confusion and worry. I ruffled my hair with one hand and kept my hands on top of my head trying to remember if she ever told me about an ice castle.

"She never mentioned anything about it to me." I mumbled angrily to myself.

"No, but Manny told you." Hic spoke up. Then I remembered, before me and Elsa were taken. Before Anna died and I found out my team was evil. When I was out cold.

Flash Back


"Jack." Manny spoke in his mysterious and ghostly voice. I groaned. What now? "Jack, the ice palace it's Elsa's."

What was he talking about? Elsa never mentioned an ice palace, could it have been from her past?

"Yes Jack, it is from her past, but you will need to get there soon. Try to remember when you wake up. This is really important. Remember!" 

Then I woke up


End Of Flash Back

Then I remembered, how did Hic know that?

A/N Really Jack, how many questions.


Geez, sorry Jack.

Just let me tell my story.

Hic must've read my mind since he answered my question with a believable answer, "Manny told us. He can't tell you things, but he can tell us. Not all, but there is some information he can tell us about."

I began to think. If I need to find the Guardians, and they're at Elsa's castle, this may be painful. I might even freeze eveyone. But I had to do it, for Elsa. To save her from the city of lost souls. From Limbo.

I heard a phone ring taking me from my thoughts. It was Hic's. I was going to ask who  it was, but he motioned for me to be silent and started to talk.

"Talk to me North." He kept pausing, waiting for North to reply, "Yes North, Jack's with us..... Yeah, we'll be there as soon as we can.... Of course I remember the snow globes..... Yeah, remember the plan North, don't let me down."

He turned around and smirked. Not the evil smirk, but a "I've got a plan but you're not going to like it look."

I looked at him suspiciously, but didn't get a chance to react becuase he there a snowglobe on the ground and pushed me inside. Hey at least I wasn't in a sack. (Rise Of The Guardian Joke.)

I closed my eyes and waited to hit a hard cold surface, but opened my eyes and saw that I was on soft fluffy snow, just like a pillow. (Frozen Joke)

That was when I saw them. Inside the ice palace, the Guardians, Hic, Mer and Manny. But the most painful of all, an ice sculptuer of the most lovely girl in the world. Elsa.

My heart shattered everytime I remembered Elsa, but it was  the only I remembered that I had a great love for her. Many things that I missed about her. I loved her, her smile, her eyes and her laughs. I missed her crying onto my chest, me having to give her reassurence. She was the most beautiful thing in the world. I will always love that girl.

Suddenly, I saw something move. Behind the sculpter, a shadow.

A/N Hi guys, sorry this chapter wasn't the best to my abilities, but I want to do something for you guys everyday and I have been having writers black. But I think I was able to do a good job. But hope you like it, the next chapter will be out soon.

The Guardian's Tale (Sequel to the warm cold.)Where stories live. Discover now