New books?

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A/N Hi guys. Not a chapter but I was thinking of doing a few new books. Tell me what you think. The most votes will be fore second will be second and so on. I will check back tomorrow when I wake up which moght be until 11:00 am. (someone chuckles.)

What I'm lazy. Any way, here are your choices all Jelsa:

1.     The origin of Christmas is in Arendelle. So Pitch uses a snow globe to go back to a specific date. He causes Elsa to lose control and the Guardians have to help her restore her faith before it’s too late. (Jelsa book.)

2.     Two Rival theif gangs are after one Jewel. The heart of winter. When The spirits (Jack Frost’s gang ect...) and Season Royalty (Elsa’s gang ect......) meet to try and steal it, they are stopped by each other in and fight. Jack and Elsa fight each other and fall in love but can’t let the other’s know. What happens when the only way to get the Jewel is to kill? (Jelsa book.)

 3.     No one believes in Pitch so he kidnaps Elsa when she was a child after striking her sister. Years later after having her memory wiped and being told Pitch was her father, Elsa is let out to bring havoc around the world. Soon she meets Jack Frost. She gets to know him and realises that this is not what she wants. She wants help. But what happens if the help you’re looking for is the enemies that want to destroy you? (Jelsa.)

 4.     Jack Frost has always been Elsa’s Guardian. She was one of the first to believe in him after he swore to her parents to protect her. After the night Elsa had hit Anna. She had to lock herself away, but she only allowed one person in. Jack Frost. After many years when Elsa has fully matured, Jack has fallen for Elsa. But Pitch knows and wants to use Elsa. Pitch tells her she’s a monster. She has no room for anything else after that. She stops believing. But Jack Frost will stay by her side. However, soon he fear of her power has grown too strong, and Jack has to take Elsa to the Guardians before Pitch can get to her again. Little does Jack know, that every minute that passes as he loves Elsa, he is turning Mortal. He is more powerful like that. What will Pitch do to stop that? Kill Elsa? Make Jack fall in love with someone else? Wipe her memory again? Or his? (Jelsa Book.)

 5.     Hiding away, Elsa has died everyday little by little. Eventually, the day before her coronation, she died. But not before Manny came. He turned Elsa into a Guardian. But made her forget. 300 years later, Elsa has travelled the world, only to be drawn to the North Pole where she meets Jack Frost. Jelous, Jack hates her and taunts her. Soon, Elsa’s fear is worse than ever and turns to Pitch thinking he can help. Pitch attacks with Elsa and the Guardians have to try everything to get her back. Jack knows that this is his fault and as time moves on, trying to get Elsa to remember and not be afraid, he starts to love her But is this enough to get her back? (Jelsa Book.)

 6.     The seasons (Elsa’s group) are thieves and have never been caught. The Guardians (Jack’s group) are officers. The best. They can track down anyone. So it is their job to bring the seasons to justice. Somehow, Jack finds the seasons and Elsa sacrifices herself for her group, they flee while she is captured. Jack falls in love the moment he lays eyes on her. Same with Elsa. He can’t put her in prison. Instead an old hideout in the woods visiting her every day. There love grows strong, but when the seasons return for their leader, they plan to kill Jack. Elsa is either with them or against them.

These are your options. I might have toclose the ending date sooner than expected, but if u vote for more than one. Write the min the order that u like from loved to meh.








Something like that. Any way. I hope u guys have enjoyed the options and I hope I have given u a hard choice to pick from.

All these ideas are original, but the characters. The gang names are mine and the plot is mine. If these ideas are similar to yours, I have not copied you, but I spent up from 11:00pm - nearly 12:00am, trying to think of these plots and making them as original as I could without being tortured with comments about being a copy cat.

With that, Nicegirl334455 out. You only have a few hours.

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