What can I do?

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After seeing Emma like that, I tried my best to wake her up, to get her out of her tortured dream. However, I was unsuccessful and was forced to watch her endure the pain. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran to get the others. They were all in the meeting room when I had burst in.

"Jack, what's the rush." Tooth asked me with a look of worry on her face.

"Pitch.... Emma... Pitch got into her dreams. He is torturing her in her sleep." I said with tears about to spring from my eyes. I can't lose Emma, she's my sister. After holding in my tears I continued, "She has Pitch's mark. Please help me help her."

They hung their heads low and everything went silent. Eventually, Tooth spoke up, "Jack, I'm sorry, but if she has the mark of Pitch, the only eay we can save her is if he can willingly leave her be."

I gulped and sank down to my knees letting my tears flow slowly and silently. I soon felt a few pairs of arms surround me trying to give me support and comfort, however, there was only one person I needed to help me right now. Elsa. I remember when she tried to give me comfort when I knew the truth about my father.

Flash Back


"I don't have a father!" I shouted and ran to the spare room in the Guardian's den. I don't want to feel this way, but I can't help but feel stupid. Suddenly, all my memories flooded back to me. Dad who was Pitch, mum and Pitch happy. Jamie and the girl.... Elsa? And I cried.

I sighed, and looked through my window to the moon.

"Manny, why am I here? Why me?" I asked, begging for an answer, but as always, he didn't answer. I walked away to my bed and started to cry again.

I'm sorry I was a wimp everyone.

It's alright Jack. Don't hide it in. Let it out, let it go (See what I did there?)

No not really.

Never mind.

Then, a knock came at my door. I knew it was Elsa, but I didn't let her in, "Go away." I shouted more sad than angry.

"Jack, let me in." Her soft voice pleaded. I was about to. But I couldn't.

"No! let me be alone!" I shouted.

"You're never alone Jack," she said.

I knew what was coming next, I know how you feel. No she doesn't. How could anyone? I'm sick of people thinking like that.

"I know how you feel I-" She started.

"Don't do that. YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW I FEEL. BEING ALONE FOR MANY YEARS!" I screamed through the door.

Her next words shocked me,  "YES I DO! I SHUT OUT MY SISTER. AFRAID TO HURT HER! I LOST MY PARENTS. I SHUT EVERYONE OUT! It didn't help that you and your friends bullied me." That shut me up. I sighed and unlocked the door, but I had other things to say.

"I lived my whole life without a father." I was saying, "I was forced to be who I was."

She looked at me and looked as she was about to cry, "I lived my life in fear. I was forced to not feel. Forced to not love." I looked at her. She had had too much pain. So much more than me, but I pitied myself.

"I'm sorry Elsa. Thank you snowflake." I pulled her into a hug and leaned in to kiss her. She kissed back. That was when the attack came.

End Of Flash Back


I sighed at the thought of Elsa and punched the floor screaming in annoyance. The others looked concered, but I was too angry. I ran out of the room and ran to mine just in time for my staff to release a LOT of ice.

I slid down my wall, held my head in my knees and closed my eyes to imagaine a better past, a better present and a better future. But sadly, destiny is destiny. It was night now and the moon was shinning so bright, so like I used to do so many times, I spoke to the Man in the Moon.

"Manny, can't you help me? You are my uncle, well she is my sister. Please help me." I pleaded, but no answer. However, as I was giving up hope, I heard a small whisper of the riddle in my dream.

"Her heart is yours, forever to keep,

Go to the place where she now sleeps.

The place of the battle, the place of the war,

You will find, what you're looking for."

I kept thinking about the riddle, we had it all down. It was about Elsa, where she died. But I don't know what I'm looking for. What could possibly be there that could help me? What can I do?

I went back to Emma to see her smiling in her sleep. But that's not possible unless........ I looked up and saw..... Saw........ Saw the mark was gone. In it's place, was a blue snowflake.

I smiled at the mark. Thank you. That is why I need to get her back. I can get her back.


A/N Thank you guys for reading, I know that hardly anyone is reading my book, but it really means a lot if you are, anyway, the next chapter or two should be much better than this. But I love writing this even if the book doesn't get any comments or votes. I love writing for you. Oh and also, it's the 19/12/14, nearly christmas, so if I don't update for christmas, have a merry christmas.


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