Goodbye Elsa

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A/N Hi guys, sorry, but I'm skipping to the end of the warm cod because I can tell your sort of bored with this story, so , yeah, thisis the last chapter from Jack's POV and sorry for not updating properly for a while so here you go.

Everyone suddenly disappeared, but I knew Pitch was still with us. I was looking around, but eventually, we saw Elsa change in front of our eyes. She was clutching her chest as her hair turned to a charcoal black, her skin, a measly grey. The old Elsa was gone. Fear had taken over.

“You will never win now!” Elsa croaked. You could tell it was not her voice. You could tell it was not her, “I have her now. Her spirit, her body, her soul. Her powers. I will win.”


North, Bunny and Tooth shrank back in fear. But I wasn’t going to let the women I loved be a puppet.

“Elsa please listen to me. Snowflake, please fight.” I got her attention, “I know you’re in there, please fight Pitch. Take control, I can’t lose you.”

Elsa’s eyes flashed from blue to yellow. She was fighting.

“Jack, help me, I’m scared.” Elsa’s voice called out, the real Elsa. Not the shell.

“Fool Elsa, Jack cannot save you. Soon you will be gone, and you will be my queen of darkness.” Pitch spoke.

Queen? She has so much fear in her, that she is not a pauper of fear like me or the Guardians, but is the queen of fear. And if her fear turns to darkness, she will be the queen.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” She cried. I couldn’t take it. I flew to Elsa and grabbed her hands.

“Remember Anna.” I said in a soft voice, “Remember your parents, your aunt and uncle. Remember when you protected Anna from Hans? Elsa, remember when I told you about my powers, remember when you kissed me?” I wanted her to remember the good things in her life. I wanted her to have the will to win.

The Guardians base was filling with ice. She was struggling again. This time, after 5 minutes

The snow started to melt, the ice began to thaw. 3 words escaped Elsa’s lips, “love will thaw.”

I quickly replied, “Love will win.”

We won, Elsa was free, she was safe. Or was she?

No she wasn't. She doubled over and started coughing black sand, there was a less likely chance to help her, so I was helpless.

“You thought you could win, but too late Guardians, there is no stopping darkness.” Pitch spoke in his dark and twisted voice. But it couldn't be too late, there is always a chance, always a hope. Right?

"Guys?" She whispered holding her chest. Her next wordss cut me like a sword. "I have to go." But I knew what she meant. She was leaving us forever. But Tooth had to make it worse since she didn't know what was going on.

"Go where?" Tooth asked quietly.

I was going to tell her, but North beat me to it, "you know where." North said blaintly, but then je continued, "Elsa, you have a choice, live for the people you love, for your friends, or die and be with your parents again."

She forced a smile and started to talk, just like my Elsa, "Oh North, a death for a family, or a life for love? I choose both and neither."

I looked at her cofused. You can't have both, but she just laughed, not forced, but a proper laugh that I fell in love with, “I want to go, but you are all my family, but I don’t want to live, but I love you all. To be brave, I must be scared. I have been scared, so now, I must be brave. I will die, but I have something for each of you.”

She created a bag of ice from nowhere and began to talk again pulling out items along the way, “Tooth, you like teeth, so here.” This box will never melt, and these teeth are ice. They won’t melt and they won’t turn rotten.”

I couldn't help but smile at her, as Tooth hugged Elsa crying into her shoulder, “Bunny, I made this for you.” She said and pulled out a beautiful easter egg made of ice. I knew how much Bunny liked decoration. "like the teeth, they wont melt."

I saw bunny and he was trying not to cry. Oh Bunny. I saw Elsa laughing a little bit.

"North, an ice train set." She gave it to him and he smiled and cried.

"What about me Elsie?" I asked hopefully and sad.

"Here." She pulled out a snowflake and told me to turn it around. The words, I love you were engraved on it. I would never let it go.

"Elsa, please don't go. Please stay my snowflake." I begged her while crying. I needed her. She made me a better man.

"I'm sorry Jack." She told me. Then I saw him. Manny had returned after the fight. But there was nothing he could do. Life is life, death is death, everyone lives and everyone dies. I sighed and looked back at the women I love dying on the floor.

"You will always be my Snowflake." I told her taking her hand and crying.

She smiled, "and you will always be my Guardian." She told me before closing her eyes for her endless dream. I kissed her forehead and layed her down. My Elsa, gone forever.

I will never see her beautiful eyes again. Never see her smile or feel her arms around me. Oh Elsa.

There is one thing I must always remember; she will always be my snowflake. And no matter when, I will always be her Guardian.

I placed her onta an ice bed and placed a snow white rose in her hands. I stood up and frowned.

"I'm not doing this." I told them, "I will never come back here."

I started to walk away, but Tooth grabbed my ar, but I just shrugged it away and walked out. Pitch was going to pay. Mer and Hic are gonna pay, and more importantly, Punzie will pay. She wants me, she'll get me, but not the way she wants.

This year, is the year Punzie Cornoa dies.

A/N Hi guys, Jack is out for revenge so what will he actually become later on in the story. I promise it will get more interesting, but I had to skip it to this bit because it was getting boring.

So anyway, thanks for reading and I promise that the next chapter will be great.


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