Chapter 1

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Rebecca slumped on to the couch in the apartment she shared off campus with her bestie Ashley . "i bombed that test she said"  "mr lowry  wants me to get a tutor"   "aw becky" Ashley said... "you gotta knuckle down and study harder" she said otherwise if you fail your mid term you can't go to florida with Renee and I on winter break!"

"i am studying hard" Rebecca said..  "im just blanking out when it comes to the tests"  "honey you haven't been the same since you broke up with that louse Jacob!" Ashely told her.  "Don't ever say that name around me again" Rebecca admonished her friend "he was a lying cheating jerk whose only goal was to get in my pants and make me a notch on his fookin headboard!" she spat angrily. 

"you mean to tell me you still have....IT?" Ashley giggled.  "I gave mine up a few years ago"   "I haven't found the right guy yet"  Rebecca said getting up and grabbing  a water from the fridge and settling in at her desk to study.

Ashely just giggled and said "Oh Rebecca stop being a prude, being with a guy like that feels great" Rebecca frowned at her and threw a pillow at her.   "alright alright"  Ashley said.. "Renee and i are going to target.. do you want me to get you anything?" she asked.

"white out,  tampax,  a couple more packs of pens,  a couple writing tablets and a thumb drive for my laptop"  she chuckled... someone keeps taking my stuff and not returning it"   she walked over to her purse and handed Ashley $40 and said.. this should cover it.. AND I want ALL my change back this time girlie!" she giggled.

"Later spaz" Ashely said as she left Rebecca alone to study.


Rebecca looked at the clock and decided to stop studying as her eyes were bothering her.. she  took out her contacts and put her glasses on and headed to the nearby mcdonalds to grab some dinner.  as she walked back into the apt building she spotted an ad on the bulliten board for free tutoring help.  no one had taken advantage of it so she took the ad  off the board and took it with her to her apartment.

Ashley was still gone, so she enjoyed her meal in peace and  studied some more.  "maybe I should give tutoring a try.." she thought.  she took a deep breath and dialed the number on the ad, and was almost relieved to get a voicemail. she left a message with her name and number and hung up.

a week went by and she never got a called back,   finally one lazy Friday evening  while she was walking around the grocery store she got called back. 

"could i speak to Rebecca quinn?"  the unfamiliar voice said

"this is Rebecca" she said 

"Hi, Rebecca" he said " my Name is Seth Lopez and I am a senior here,  and I have a 4.0 GPA  I am offering students tutoring help in a variety of subjects he told her "English, math, history,  writing"  to name a few.

"i am having a lot of trouble with my math course she said"    "but at this point I think I am probably a lost cause" she giggled.

"i would be glad to help you" he told her " and I apologize for not calling you sooner- my idiot roomate knocked my phone into the sink and I had to get a new one"

"no worries" she giggled  "how bout tomorrow at 7 at the library?"  "the library is closed tomorrow.. she said "they have to clean the carpet"  she reminded him. "shoot"he said.

"how about 7pm at my apartment?" he said. My roommate will be gone" 

"how about 5pm? I can grab a pizza on the way over" she said.  "sure" he said.

"see you at 5 tomorrow then" she said after writing down his address

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