Chapter 5

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Becky sat quietly on the couch for quite awhile and thought about everything that happened and every thing  that Seth had said to her.  as she looked at the handsome man sitting next to her she felt a flutter in her heart and butterflies in her stomach.

"I would love to go to Florida with you..." she said "but won't your girlfriend get mad?" then she winked at him."   "I don't have a girlfriend" he said  sounding a little puzzled.  " sure you do" she said squeezing his hand...... "me"

Seth smiled at her as he leaned closer to her and kissed her softly as he wrapped his arms around her. Rebecca tentatively put her arms around his neck as she attempted to return the kiss.

as they broke the sweet kiss they shared, Seth told her he would pick her up at 6am  Tuesday morning  so they could get breakfast before they went to the airport.... "you could stay here Monday night if you like" she told him.  "we could take  the shuttle bus to the airport so you don't have to pay for parking."

"are you sure you don't mind? he said "I don't want to make you uncomfortable in any way."  he told her.  "you can either sleep in the other bedroom/my study area or on the couch" she told him with a chuckle."

"I didn't mean it the way it sounded" he said sheepishly. " I am not that kind of guy"  they never did finish watching the movie.  Around 10pm Seth and Rebecca shared  a sweet kiss goodnight at her door.

"i'll call you in the morning" he told her"  "goodnight beautiful"  "good night" she said 


Rebecca was packing her bag for florida when the telephone rang.  "hello?" she said  "hey beautiful..... its Seth" he said.  "I will be over as soon as I finish packing, and maybe we can try watching that movie again."   "maybe" Rebecca said.  "or we could just talk and get to know each other more."  

they talked for a little bit longer on the phone and then Seth hung up to finish packing.  Rebecca went back in her room to finish getting her things together as well.  "UGH" she thought all I have for bathing suits are bikinis, im  not sure if I am comfortable with him seeing  me like that..  she put everything but her make up, hair brush and tooth brush in  her bag and made sure her glasses were in her carry on.  "I thinks its going to be an interesting trip"  she thought as she heard a knock at the door. 

she peeked out and saw Seth standing there looking super shy. he smiled as she opened the door and let him in.   as soon as she closed the door behind him and locked it,  he set his bag down  and gently pulled her towards him. " I missed you beautiful" he said as he kissed her softly. "I missed you too" she said attempting to kiss him back, pressing her lips against his as he pressed his against hers and they moved them together slowly.

Rebecca began to relax as she felt his arms tighten slightly around her as he tilted her chin up and deepened the kiss a little more, and she began to get tingly feeling, but, she  got a bad case of the giggles and kinda ruined the moment.

" I am so sorry" she said blushing.   "this is all so new to me...I feel like a goofy teenager"   "I only had one fella that liked me in secondary school" she said... "me pops caught him tryin ta kiss me and ran him off our property like a stray dog"  she giggled.. "lad never came by again."

"then me second year here, Ash set me up with a guy from the footie team... he turned out to only be wantin one thing from me...  he thought  he could get me ta give him somethin special... he'd kiss my cheek and rub my shoulders and then he'd try to get fresh with me...."   I gave him somethin alright" she giggled... "me hand across his face and I showed his arse the door"

"you should never let anyone make you feel uncomfortable" he told her.. "you are very smart"  he said... "and if I am smart, I will keep my hands to myself so you don't smack me." he chuckled.  they spent the rest of the evening playing video games and hanging out.

The next morning,  after a nice breakfast together, they boarded their flight for their florida adventure.

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