Chapter 6

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"Do I look ok?" Seth said stepping out of the bathroom  he was dressed in a charcoal gray suit, white shirt and a black tie.  his black socks and shoes were next to the dresser.   "you look very handsome" Rebecca told him.  "you are going to kill it at this interview" she assured him as she brushed the stray hairs off his jacket.

"I hope so" he said  " I am really nervous" he admitted as he sat down to tie his shoes.   "tell you what" she told him..  " "tell you what" she said "if you can overcome your fears and nail this interview, then I think maybe I can overcome mine and we can hit the pool when you get back."  she gave him a nervous smile.

"are you afraid of water?" he asked her "or can't you swim?"  "its not that lad" she said "the only bathing suits I have are 2 pieces...bikinis" she giggled " and I don't know that I am comfortable wearing one around you just yet, and letting you see that much of me."

Seth hugged her and said  "if you are that uncomfortable, there are a couple stores down the road, I am sure you could find something there that you would be more comfortable in."    "I mean.... that would mean i'd have to be shirtless in front of you.." he blushed.  Rebecca had forgotten about that and she turned beet red at the thought.

"you better go lad, you don't want to be late" she said  "good luck" she said kissing him softly with no hesitation. he smiled and kissed her back before heading out the door.  Rebecca grabbed her journal from her carry on and wrote about what she was feeling and how he made her feel, then she grabbed her purse and went to putter around in the stores he told her about.

As Rebecca stopped to grab a coffee and a snack, she reflected on her shopping trip. she found a pretty one piece turquoise bathing suit, and  a really pretty dress for their dinner date.  she  also fell in love with  a red and black nightie that was so different from what she would normally wear, but she didn't get it as she felt it was far too soon to be thinking about wearing something like that around him. "maybe someday for someone special, on a special night, it will be appropriate... but not now" she told herself.

as she waited in their hotel room for Seth to get back,  she wished she had someone to talk to about what she was feeling, but, Ashley was a different part of florida with her boyfriend, Renee was on a ski trip with her boyfriend,  and it was the middle of the night in ireland so she could call the couple of good friends she still had back home.  

As she was pondering what to do, Seth walked in the door. "the interview went amazing!" he said  " I have a follow up one Friday afternoon." he told her.  "you can come with me if you'd like" he said.  "i'll think about it" she said " I think I would be pretty bored though"

"ready to hit the pool?" he asked her  "sure she nodded nervously and went into the bathroom and changed into her bathing suit and cover up, so he could  change into his trunks. they walked to the elevator in silence. but he reached over  and gently squeezed her hand. "relax" he said softly.. "I would never laugh at you or make you uncomfortable." he assured her.

they walked into the pool area and found a lounge chair to put their stuff on and headed to the locker rooms to shower before getting in the pool.  When Rebecca came out  Seth was already in the water, she nervously walked over and sat her cover up and towel on the chair and  went and sat on the side of the pool.

"coming in?" he asked her "I don't bite" he said.  Rebecca smiled and said  "just checking the temp of the water."  she slid herself into the water and instantly felt his arms around her which made her relax even more.

"I love how that makes me feel" she said  smiling at him.  they spent a fun filled couple of hours playing and swimming in the water, then headed up to their hotel room where they each took hot showers and got cleaned up.

they spent the next few days just enjoying each others company, and really getting to know each other, and they found out that they had a lot in common, they  both liked coffee,  they both  had a soft spot for animals, they dreamed of traveling,  they like watching movies, and playing video games, they liked to go to the gym...

On Friday as Seth got ready for his follow up interview,  Rebecca decided to wear the dress she had bought  and go with and they could head to dinner from there.  "you look amazing" he told her. 

"you don't look so bad yourself" she said. once they got to the big gray building where the interview was being done, Seth walked her to the lounge area.  "you can hang out here till I am done." he said "it shouldn't be more than 30-45 minutes."   "good luck" she said softly as she kissed him.

As she was flipping through a magazine, she heard a familiar voice she hadn't heard in years coming from behind her.   she turned her head slightly and looked to see if it was who she thought it was... and it was!

"Finn?" she said standing up and turning towards him. he instantly stopped talking and stared at her.. "Becca Quinn!!" he said "its been a long time lass"

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