Chapter 17

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Rebecca turned to see what was the matter and her eyes widened.. the masked man was back! and he was in the ring with a chair!!  "what the bloody fook!" Fit said as he stared at the screen.  Rebecca screamed when the chair crashed against Seth's back and sent him crashing to the mat!

she took off running towards the entrance way to the ramp..  Finn ran out of the locker room hot on her heels.  "LADS WE NEED HELP IN THE RING!!!" Fit bellowed loudly "THIS ISN"T PART OF THE SHOW!!!"  Samoa Joe, Roman and Rusev  all charged past Finn.  "pants!" Rusev said looking at Finn.

Finn shrugged  it off and flew toward the ring.  Rebecca slid under the bottom rope and grabbed at the steel chair. the masked man spun to face her and she punted him right in the nuts- but it didn't phase him. she threw her jacket on the mat by Seth and kicked the masked man again dropping him to one knee. "stay down you fooking idiot.. you need help!" she said.   Suddenly the masked man grabbed her by her shirt tearing the front of it  as he threw her to the mat.  "you are mine now!" he growled. 

Rebecca screamed as he came towards her and put his hands on her exposed skin.. and tried to touch her all over!  Finn grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her backwards as he  tossed her jacket at her as Seth lunged at the masked assailant.

Seth unleashed a brutal beatdown on the man that seemed to have no effect on him.  Samoa Joe and Finn hit the man with stiff kicks and punches, and Roman nearly split him in half with a spear!  

Rusev grabbed him from behind in a bearhug and just started squeezing him "!!"  he said as he tightened his grip.   as the man started to go limp, Finn ripped the mask of his face and his face went pale.

"Bloody hell!" he said  Rebecca looked up from zipping her jacket and froze "J J  J Jacob....?" she said her voice trembling. "are you fookin insane??"   "you are MY girl" he said gasping for air..  "not the pretty boy's!"  

"wrong answer!" Seth said as he cocked his  fist.. "but, I do have a nice  parting gift for you!" he said before punching Jacob flush in the mouth.. Jacob was swarmed and cuffed by police and taken to a nearby medical facility and then to jail.


Fit checked Seth over and said "just got a couple bruises lad"  Rebecca emerged from another part of the room where a female EMT had checked her over.  without even thinking about where  they were,  he enveloped her in a tight hug and kissed her softly.  "becks..." he said softly "are you ok baby?" she gave him a little smile and nodded.  "a little sore and embarrassed"  she said. 

"thank you everyone"  she said.  "I shudder ta think what could have happened had you not all been there"   "and Finn?" she added "im pretty sure  the arena didn't want to see ya in yer skivvies" she giggled Finn blushed horribly  when he realized she was right and left the room.

a couple days later, Colby helped Rebecca get a restraining order against Jacob.  "I won't let him hurt you" he told her.  "I love you."


"are you serious?!?"  Rebecca said to the large man standing in front of her in a gray suit.   "no... of course I won't tell him" she said...  "he is definitely going to be surprised!"  she said.   that night at dinner Colby told her excitedly that WWE wanted him and roman to be part of something at their biggest show of the year... WRESTLEMANIA!" 

"I am so happy for you" she told him.  meanwhile, she kept her secret to herself. and she was feeling nervous and excited. 

the day of wrestlemania finally arrived and Colby was a bundle of nerves as he and Rebecca grabbed a bite to eat in catering. they went their separate ways  after a sweet kiss after lunch..  Becky hurried off to find the two women she was supposed to be working with. she found them getting ready in one of the empty dressing rooms.

"hi ladies" she said brightly..  "is this really what they want us to fookin wear?" she giggled "looks like a bikini with a fringed skirt and sequins and a goofy hat"   "kinda like a fruity gladiator"  she added.

she changed quickly and she and one of the ladies- Alexa  headed  to get their hair and make-up done. when they finished there they headed to meet with the third gal who was already waiting with the wrestler they were coming out with.

"you're late ladies" she cackled.  Rebecca rolled her eyes.  the entrance went off perfectly and then she headed back to the dressing room to change. Seth was so busy talking that he backed right into her. " so sorry" he said "excuse me....becks??" he said   he groaned quietly as he kissed her 'you look so sexy" he said softly.

she blushed and hurried to the locker room. since they weren't part of the main roster, they were allowed to head back to the hotel.   Colby was quiet as they headed up to their room.   

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