Chapter 21

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"Do you know when she will be home lad?"  Fit asked Seth as they headed for their cars after a long day.   "right before Christmas.... I think" He replied.  "I still can't believe she and Tommy have been gone for 2 months." he added.  

"did she say why lad?"  "something with her family" he said throwing his bag in the trunk. "would have done me no good to go, since  her mom acts so weird when she sees me"  he added when were there when Tommy was 3 months old, all she did was stare at me."

"Becca comes from a proud family" Fit said " and For Becca to just up and stay in the states  and move in with a guy she hardly knew and have a baby with him out of wedlock... that didn't sit well with them I am certain"     "then those letters you started getting here didn't help matters in the slightest." he added.

"by the way, did  you ever figure out who was sending them?"  he said  Seth shook his head and said "no" Fit nodded and said "i'll be by at 5am to get you and take you to the airport in the morning lad" "you will be a lot happier once you see you love, and hold your wee one." he said.

Seth and FIt shook hands and got in their cars and headed home.   Seth finished packing everything  he wanted to take with him,  and watched tv before turning in early.  surprisingly he slept soundly. when he awoke at 3:30 when his alarm went off, he found a text from Rebecca.  

Col-  Tommy and I are not looking forward to seeing you at all....  I don't even know why you are flying all this way, I don't want you in our lives... Becks.

"what the hell? he thought. as he showered he replayed their last conversation in his head and it made him more confused as she had sounded so happy that he was flying there to be with her and Tommy till they flew home for christmas.

Fit showed up promptly at 5:00 and they headed to the airport. "have a safe trip lad" Fit told him.   "text me yer return info and i'll be glad ta pick ya up" he added.    Seth nodded and waved, he was lost in thought.

Seth checked the screen and headed quickly to his gate and checked in.  before long, he boarded the plane, and 8 hours later, he was in Dublin.   after clearing customs and finding his bags at baggage claim, he got a rental car and headed to the address Rebecca had given him.  "I can't wait to hold her in my arms" he thought  and "to see my little man"  

after 30 minutes in the car, he came to a stop in front of the pretty house. "this is it" he thought.. "hope her mom doesn't kill me"  he grabbed his bags and walked up to the door and rang the bell. "hold yer knickers on" a voice from inside said "im a comin"   A pretty woman in her early 40s opened the door. " what can do for ya lad" she asked him.  "my name is Colby" he said "im here to see Rebecca and Tommy Quinn" he said.

"Becca took the lad to the shops for a walk" she said.  "you can come in and wait if ya like" Seth thanked her  and stepped inside. "shouldn't be too long" she said "looks like snow"  " she showed him to live living room and said "excuse me, I need to finish watching my daily stories"

"what an odd lady" he thought.  a few minutes Rebecca walked in the door and was talking to Tommy as she did "time for  fresh pants and a nap my little love, you have had a busy day"  "Becks"  He said quietly  she turned and smiled at him. she motioned him to follow her upstairs so she could change Tommy.  once he was changed,  Colby picked him up  and  hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek "I love you so much"  he told him. "daddy missed you' he told him.

Rebecca took Tommy and gently laid him in his pack n play, and motioned for Colby to follow her into her room. "I missed you" she said kissing him  softly "I missed you more" he said returning the kiss. then as he held her in his arms he remembered the text he got that morning and showed it to her " I never sent that" she said "I was asleep when it was sent."

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