Chapter 23

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Rebecca had tears in her eyes she couldn't believe  it ... Tommy's onesie said "Mommy... will you marry my Daddy?"  "daddy is a stinker...just like you. my little love" she said. she looked up when she heard Colby  chuckle softly.  "oh Col.. she said softly. "i was going to wait till Christmas, but, after the week we have had,  i couldn't wait any longer." he told her.

"and after our talk earlier, i realized  that before there are more babies in our life, that i wanted to share something just as special with you...... my last name. .. he said quietly as he got down on one knee.  "Rebecca, i love you more than i ever thought i could possibly love someone. and i want my forever to be with you... Will you marry me?"

"Col...I...I.." she said totally stunned......."yes" she managed to get out softly through her tears. Colby took the  simple 1/2 carat ring from the box and slid it on her finger.  "our forever starts now" he said as he lifted her off the floor in a big hug and as he slowly lowered her back to her feet, they shared a long, slow, sweet kiss. "i love you" he said "i love you too" she said reaching for a tissue as Colby picked up Tommy. 

"it worked buddy" he told him "mommy said yes"  ""mommy and daddy are getting married" he said. Rebecca smiled at Colby and Tommy.   Tommy started to fuss so Colby took him upstairs and laid him down for a nap.

When he came back down Rebecca was staring intently at the WWE program on the screen and crying.  Colby sat down by her and put his arms around her.  "Becks.....whats wrong?"   "just thinkin about my pop" she said.. "he would be so over the moon happy for me right now" she said..."well except maybe for the whole livin together and messin round when we're not married thing" she giggled.

"he'd probably be takin ya to the pub ta introduce his future son in law to his friends".   "pops wasn't much of a drinker... but he loved to play darts" she said. "everything today and then the wrestling on tv made me think about him"  "i'm sure he's smiling down on you right now because he sees how happy you are." Colby told her.

Rebecca gave him a little smile as she looked at her ring  "its beautiful" she told him. he smiled at her and said "the emerald heart is my heart, and the garnet heart is yours...he said softly the diamond heart in the middle is our two hearts becoming one that's why it has the tiny emeralds and garnets around it.  "its perfect" she said kissing him.

"how did you know my ring size?" she  asked him "that's my secret" he said. their peace and quiet was interrupted a few minutes later  when her mom came in the door with several of her lady friends "tis my cards night she said." and they were talking and laughing loudly.

"mum" Rebecca said "can you and your friends please keep it down.. Tommy is napping"  "Tommy?" they questioned Mrs. Quinn   yeah my "grandson" she said making air quotes and rolling her eyes. "my Becca thought it was ok ta be shaggin her fella when they aren't married.."  Rebecca and Colby blushed in embarrassment.

"you wanna tell her?" he whispered "nah, i wanna live" she whispered back. As Colby went up to check on Tommy,  Rebecca noticed her mom checking out his ass.  "Really mum?!" she said under her breath.

When Colby came downstairs, he had Tommy in his infant carrier  and he had the diaper bag and his bag over his shoulder and was pulling her bags behind him. he stopped and sat the carrier down and grabbed their coats. "i got us an earlier flight" he told Rebecca quietly i can't take anymore of her insults or her making me uncomfortable" Rebecca nodded as she took the diaper bag and her bags from Colby.

"Mum?" she said "we are leaving" she told her "we were able ta get an earlier flight"  "ok dearie" her mum said. "i'll call you once we get home." "that's nice dearie" she said looking at her cards. Rebecca, Colby and Tommy left and didn't look back.

they had dinner on the way to the airport and were soon on their flight back home.   a little over 8 hours later they were back in the states and clearing customs.  "what a loooooong day" Colby yawned as they headed to get their bags.

"i'll never forget today" Rebecca told him. he smiled at her as they headed out into the bright sunshine. she giggled when she saw Fit standing by Colby's car when they came outside. "Welcome back!" he said hugging Colby and Rebecca and giving Tommy a little wave.  "everything ok with your mum?" Fit asked her as he and Colby loaded their bags in the trunk "yes and no" she said. "got the family issue sorted"  "but now me mum is causing a whole nother kind of issue"

"that so lass?" he said " me mum has a huge crush on Colby's wrestling persona--she was hitting on Colby every chance she got." Rebecca said. "that's terrible lass" Fit said. "we couldn't even tell her the news" Rebecca giggled  "is there another wee one already?" Fit chuckled  "no" Seth laughed.. "I asked this beautiful woman to be my wife, and she said yes"

"Congratulations!!" Fit said as they pulled into the driveway.  "so, is my little tomboy gonna wear a dress and heels?" Rebecca wrinkled her nose and giggled. "I'm goin home fer christmas" Fit said to her "i'll stop round to see yer mum and try to talk some sense into her. Rebecca got tommy out of the car and Colby grabbed their bags.

"thanks again" Colby said. "no problem lad-- glad ta help!" they went inside and  immediately felt their bodies relax.  Rebecca let Tommy crawl around and play with his toys.  Colby took their bags upstairs while Rebecca called her mom to let her know they arrived home safely. she left a message as her mom didn't answer.

Colby and Rebecca spent the rest of the day talking and napping and playing with Tommy. after he was down for the night,  they snuggled on the couch and relaxed and watched a movie. about halfway through it they got sleepy and headed up to bed. "hopefully our bodies and minds let us sleep" Rebecca said.

"i can't wait to tell Ash and Nee the good news" she said as  she snuggled against Colby's bare chest as he wrapped his arms around her  "seeing as both our moms aren't happy with us maybe we should just do something simple and quick..." Colby said.

"we can talk about it tomorrow she yawned"  "goodnight.....hubby" she giggled. he kissed her softly and said "goodnight. wifey"  it didn't take long for both of them to fall asleep..


"my mom took that news better than i thought she would" Colby chuckled "she even joked that she as glad i was "making an honest woman of you" Rebecca laughed. "when were you thinking?" he asked her. "spring" she said.  how bout you?   "i was thinking sooner rather than later" he said  "why not have our friends over for a holiday party between Christmas and new years and have it turn into a surprise wedding?"

"that seems kinda...quick" Rebecca giggled "but, i actually kinda like the sound of it." together they brainstormed and came up with ideas and started to put their plan in place.  "COl"  she giggled..."if we can pull this off it is gonna be so amazing.

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