Chapter 12

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As they relaxed after dinner, Seth seemed like he was a little antsy as he kept getting up and walking around and then sitting back down next to her.  and one point he disappeared upstairs into one of the bedroom and she could hear  him rooting round looking for something.  as she headed upstairs to see what he was up to, he came back down and told her he was going to run to target and grab the things that were on the shopping list that was hanging on the fridge.

"i'll come with you" she said.  "nah, you stay here, I won't be long" he said kissing her softly.  Rebecca was puzzled, but  agreed to stay home.  he kissed her again and then headed to the store.   as soon as he was out of the driveway, Rebecca went upstairs and in an uncharacteristic move by her,  she started looking through the closets and other bedrooms for anything suspicious. but turned up nothing in their room or the first bedroom..  as she looked in the other closet she was surprised to find a big black gym bag with wheels on it. she rolled  it out and opened it up -inside she found shin pads, wrist tape, kick pads, knee pads, elbow pads and  what looked like spandex undies, a pair of tall laced up black boots, a black jacket with snaps and a tshirt that was faded and worn.

as she closed the bag she noticed the name on the tag attached to it said "C  Lopez."  she shoved the bag in the closet and quickly went and texted Ashley..   "girrrrl,  if  he hurts you I swear!' Ashely texted her back.  "I can't believe he gave you a fake name!!"   "you better go to the doctor and make sure he hasn't given you anything else either!"  she told her worried friend.   "ASHLEY MICHELLE!" Rebecca scolded her.    "we have never been intimate with each other." she said.  

Rebecca peeked out the upstairs window and saw his car pulling into the driveway.  "I gotta go she texted her.. he's home" Rebecca quickly headed downstairs and buried her nose in a magazine.

Seth put the things he picked up away and headed upstairs to put the toothpaste and bodywash in the bathroom.  when he came back downstairs, he sat down by her  and slipped his arms around her.  "I missed you beautiful" he said softly as he leaned in to kiss her.   she stopped him just short even though she wanted to feel his lips against hers..  "your name isn't really Seth.... is it?" she said quietly.  the color drained from his face...

"what?" he said  "look" she said.... "I am worried about you coming home with all these bumps, scrapes, cuts and bruises..." she said  "then I found that old bag when I was rearranging the closet so the door would close in the guest bedroom, and the tag on it said " C Lopez"  she continued.  " I fixed the zipper on it and noticed there was fighting stuff in the bag." she said.

"please" she said... just be honest with me... she said. " I love you and I don't want you to get hurt."

Seth scratched his chin and said "look"  "the reason I didn't say anything sooner, is because  I didn't want  to worry you."  " I am teaching the budgeting and financing class 5 mornings a week" he said " it is at the wrestling training center so after the class is done, I work out with the young guys and gals that are hoping  to get their big break in the business and wrestle for the WWE."  " by showing them budgeting and finances, I am hoping  it will make them think and save their money for when they time comes and they can no longer wrestle or they have had to retire cause it has causing too much wear and tear on their bodies...  or maybe because they want to get away from the business and settle down and have a family. he told her.

"wrestling?" she said with a little giggle. "I loved watching that with me gramps and me pop when I was growing up" Seth smiled at her and said " I can't picture you sitting there watching a bunch of guys and gals beating on each other every week" he chuckled.  "you'd be surprised." she said.

Seth's next words caught her totally off guard...  "I wrestled on the local indy circuit when I was 18,19 years old to pay my way through college."  "I wasn't very good, and I took my share of beatings." he chuckled that's when I found out I liked working with numbers..  "after I banged up my knee, I left the business."  but my wrestling name.. or at least part of it stuck with me." he told her.

"when I wrestled, I used the name Seth Tyler... Pretty lame I know... what can I say?" he chuckled.  "and even now, the "Seth" part has kinda stuck with me.  "my real name is actually Colby Lopez" he told her."    "im sorry I didn't tell you sooner." he said looking at the floor. 

"Fit is having a try out show Friday night" he continued. "and there are rumors that there will be people from WWE there watching the matches. "  "I am filling in in the tag team title match as a favor to Fit only because Roman's regular partner fell at home when he was helping replace his deck and messed up his shoulder"

Rebecca blinked trying to take in everything that he had told her.  "just please be careful" she told him. "I will" he told her. "so...... what do you want me to call you?" she giggled.  "hmmm" he said "how bout something special that only YOU can call me."  he said..  "how about Col" she said.

"I actually like it." he said..  "you are the only one that can call  me Col" he said kissing her softly. by Friday, Rebecca was a nervous wreck as they headed to school where the show was being held.

As she sat in the training room and adjusted the earpiece in her ear,  she grinned when he walked into the room. since they were alone, she snuck a quick kiss from the man she loved and said softly "I love you Col... be careful out there"  he smiled at her and gave he a quick kiss and whispered "I love you too, but, we're at work.. remember? right now.. Col isn't here... Seth is." she nodded at him.  she understood what he was getting at.

the show was AMAZING from start to finish! the last match of the night saw Roman and Seth take on a weird looking guy covered in body paint called "the demon king" and his tag team partner a big man by the name of Samoa Joe.

Rebecca was nervous when Seth made his way to the ring, as the ladies were trying to grab at him and were screaming and screeching.. she could tell he was blushing. "stupid tarts" she muttered under her breath, "get your bloody hands of my man"

The finish of the match came when Roman speared Joe out of the ring and Seth was able to powerbomb the demon king and get the pin.

"THE WINNERS OF THE MATCH AND NEW FCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.... ROMAN REIGNS AND SETH TYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  said the ring announcer.   he then thanked everyone for coming and told them to get home safely.

Rebecca paced in the trainers room as she waited for the men to come back there after the match. the demon king was the first man through the door.. as he wiped the paint of his face Fit handed him a Gatorade  and checked him over.. but it was Rebecca who noticed the blood on his towel.  "looks like the lad  got a good shot mush" she said grabbing another towel.. "definitely broken" she added reaching for the first aid kit.  "Jesse" Fit hollered "yeah?" he called back  "the irish lad's gonna need to go for an xray..  got his beak busted up" he chuckled. "ok" he hollered, i'll grab his bag"  Fit walked him over to a chair to wait for Jesse  and then excused himself for a phone call.

Seth walked into the room and Rebecca checked his vitals and compared them with the numbers from before the show.  after ascertaining that he hadn't suffered any injuries in the match, she sent him on his way.  he stopped by the doorway and turned back around and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately.

she was totally caught off guard, but melted into his arms and the kiss because it felt so amazing.  without warning the demon king lunged at Seth  but missed and knocked Rebecca against the table and took the wind briefly out of her.  Seth immediately checked on Rebecca as Jesse and Joe hauled the demon king out of the room. 

Rebecca was sore and unhurt, and she and Seth told Fit what the demon had done when he came into the room a couple minutes later.

"He'll get his........" Fit said with a mischievous irish grin. 

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