Chapter 27

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Rebecca and Colby spent  Christmas morning relaxing and seeing tommy laughing and experiencing the magic of his first christmas,

"looks like you were a really good boy this year"   Colby said tickling him "santa left goodies for you."  Tommy giggled happily as he pulled the bow off the package in front of them.  then he took the bow and put it on Colby's  head. 

"silly tommy"  "daddy's not a present" Colby said with a chuckle "da da da" he giggled. after the gifts had been opened and the stockings emptied, Becky made her two favorite boys pancakes, bacon and eggs for breakfast.   after breakfast, Tommy played while Colby helped Rebecca clean up the kitchen.  

"I hope my mom behaves today" Colby said.  "otherwise its gonna be an awkward christmas dinner."

"I doubt i'll hear from my mum" Becky said  "she's probably still mad that I 'stole' you from her" Colby laughed as he held her close "my heart has always been yours, and it always will be" he said  as he kissed her softly.


Coby got Tommy ready to go, while Rebecca finished getting ready.  "I am so nervous" she giggled. "your mom thinks I am sneaky and conniving" she said. "and that Tommy isn't yours"   I won't let her badmouth my wife...or my son" he assured her "everything will be fine" he told "if not, we will leave" 

Tommy napped in the car as they drove to Colby's mom's house.  when they got there, Colby got Tommy from his carseat and then took Rebecca's hand as they walked up to the door. Rebecca rang the bell as she felt her heart begin to race.  Colby squeezed her hand and whispered "I love you" in her ear. "Merry Christmas!"  Karen Lopez said as she opened the door. "come in, come in!"  Colby and Rebecca gave each other a surprised look as they stepped inside and closed the door.

Colby got Tommy out of his snowsuit and put it in the closet with his and Rebecca's jackets. Tommy was a little unsure of things and began to cry, so , Rebecca picked him up and stroked his hair. "its ok love" she said soothingly. "sit down. make yourself comfortable" Karen said after hugging Colby.

Colby took Rebecca and Tommy into the living room, and Rebecca said, "Mrs. Lopez, your tree is beautiful!"  "oh geez!" Colby chuckled " I spy ornaments I made when I was a kid!" he groaned. "but, of course" his mom said  "you will do the same thing with  Tommy's ornaments and any other kids you and your bride have " she said as she sat down on  the floor and Tommy scooted over to her.

Colby and Rebecca exchanged a surprised look as they too sat on the floor.  "mom.." Colby said " I am really confused" he said to her " why the complete 180 in attitude about me and Rebecca?"  he asked her.

"honestly,  she said.. I had a long talk on the phone with a friend, and she made me see how wrong I was and that by acting like that,  and pushing you away I would miss out on seeing my baby boy(UGH  Colby groaned as Rebecca giggled) and how happy he is, and that I needed to get to know Rebecca better so that I would miss out on my adorable grandson growing up, or any other grandbabies that come along."

Rebecca giggled as she and Colby blushed.  "so... you don't think I am just using Colby for a green card and lying about him being Tommy's father?"   "Honestly" she said "I never really did believe that..  I was just having a really  really hard time  coming to grips with the fact that I was no longer the only woman in Colby's life, and that another woman loved him just as much as I do, if not more." she said hanging her head  " and that he loved her just as much as she loved him."  "when I found out you were pregnant with Tommy I was told that you were having a DNA test done, so I just made up my mind that you were a bad person, and trying to hurt and use Colby." she added.

"I found out the truth later" she admitted  "and I felt so horrible"  "the only reason I spoke out at your surprise wedding was because I didn't know the truth yet, and I didn't want to see my baby boy make a huge mistake and get hurt, I thought I was doing the right thing she added "but I was so so so wrong"

Rebecca wiped a couple stray tears away "you have my word, I would NEVER EVER hurt Colby" she said "I love him with all my heart." Karen smiled at her warmly as they shared a hug.  after the presents were opened, Colby put Tommy down for a little nap,  "I think he is all christmassed  out" he chuckled.

"he looks just like you did at that age" his mom told him.  Rebecca, Colby and Karen all had a nice dinner. after dinner they shared stories of Christmasses past as Tommy played.  around 8:00, Tommy started getting really cranky. "think its time for  little love to go home and go night night" Rebecca said. "i'll grab our coats" Colby  said.  Karen helped Rebecca get Tommy into his snowsuit.  "your daddy hating wearing one too" Karen giggled  "but I always managed to get it on him" she added.

"Merry Christmas" Karen said hugging Colby and Rebecca then she kissed Tommy on the forehead and said "merry Christmas sweetie"

Colby and Rebecca loaded Tommy into the car and  headed for home- it had been a surprisingly wonderful Christmas Day after all.

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