Chapter 18

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SMUT WARNING!!!!!!!!!!

 Rebecca sat her purse on the dresser and turned towards Colby who kissed her passionately as he unzipped her hoodie and let it fall to the floor as his hands cupped her breasts as a soft moan escaped her lips. 

his lips moved slowly along her jaw and neck as he unhooked her bra and tossed it to the floor and slowly began paying attention to her breasts.  Rebecca moaned softly  as she removed his t-shirt and ran her hands over his bare chest stopping at the waistband of his shorts, but not before letting her hands  graze against him lightly through the fabric. causing him to moan. 

as they kissed passionately he slid her shorts  down her legs, his fingers teasing her fabric covered skin "Col......."she moaned softly.      "ohhhhhh" he groaned as she slowly slid his shorts off and began slowly teasing him and stroking him through the tight fabric of his briefs.   the last of their clothing was quickly discarded as they teased and touched each other.

"Becckksss" he moaned as their bodies joined and began moving together. "ohhh Col" she moaned as he increased  the pace wrapping her legs around him to take him deeper as she met his every movement.  their moans became louder and more frequent as they got closer and closer.

"ohhhh COl yessss yesss" she moaned as her body trembled.    she felt his body trembling as he moaned "becksssss" and thrust a couple more times before laying down next to her.

as their breathing slowly returned to normal,  Rebecca said softly "that felt so amazing"  all Colby could do was smile at her and say "it WAS amazing."  " I love you" he told her  "I love you too" she said kissing him softly.

Before they knew it was nearly time for summerslam, and  Seth had lost the FCW title to Samoa Joe. WWE wanted him and Roman for the main roster, but, they weren't sure if they wanted to go.

Seth  was working on some paperwork for the Finance class  he had on Monday morning, and Rebecca was getting ready to go to dinner with Renee and Ashley who were in town. "have fun" he told her as he drew her close to him "don't be drinking and picking up cute guys now" he kidded her as he kissed her softly.  "why would I want to do that?" she said "I am already with the most amazing man in the world." she added kissing him softly.

When Seth finished his paperwork, he settled in on the couch to watch  the preseason football game that was on tv.  apparently he dozed off as he was jolted awake by pounding on the front door awhile later.  "SETH!!!! SETH!!!!!"  the voice hollered in between the pounding.  he ran to the door and opened it.  it was Ashley's boyfriend Drew!!..   The girls got jumped walking back to their car!" he said trying to catch his breath.  "Jon is at the hospital with them" he added.

Seth grabbed his wallet and his keys and they hauled ass down to the hospital.  when they got there Ashley was sitting in the waiting room with an icepack on her right hand.. "are you ok?" Drew asked her as he kissed her forehead "im fine" she said "come to visit my friend and end up with bruised up knuckles from having to smack a dope around" she giggled... "just my luck"

"renee and Becca are getting checked now" she said to a worried Seth.   a few minutes later a nurse walked out with Renee who was on crutches and had a shiner.  "you should see the other guy" she chuckled. "that's my girl" Jon said quietly as he hugged her.

After what seem like forever, an older nurse came out and said "Mr Lopez?"  Seth stood up and said "yes?"  Ms Quinn is asking for you,  but, since you aren't family, I can only let you stay in there with her for 5 minutes or so" she informed him. he glanced at Ashley and rolled his eyes.  "this way please" the nurse said.

Seth's heart broke when he saw her sitting in the hospital bed.  the nurse left them alone and said she would be back in a few minutes. "becks" he said softly " are you hurt?"  he asked her.  "just some scrapes and pavement burn and a few bruises" she said.. no broken bones"  "they are just making sure I didn't catch anything when I bit the stupid son of bitch"  she giggled.

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